Wednesday, July 19, 2017

The Cozy House- Seoul

The rental apartment that Kevin found on is called The Cozy House.  It's a one bedroom with a loft.  The room also had a small table and a swinging chair.  The kids loved the swinging chair.  There was always someone sitting in the chair.  There was a small bathroom with every amenity you could think of.  It had a small kitchen which was hidden by a folding door.

The kitchen was about the size of a small closet.  There was also great internet and the loft had enough beds for four people.  We brought the port-a-crib, so little Monster slept on the main level with us.  The room had a little AC unit, so it did take about a day before the apartment was comfortable.  The loft had a fan, but the kids never did get very cool up there.  You couldn't beat the view though!  We were on the 19th floor and it overlooked a great part of the city!!  We could see the N. Seoul Tower from our window.  The windows opened and that was a little freaky.  The kids were not allowed to play with the windows.

Walking to the apartment felt like walking in a storage hallway.  All the doors were super small and tall.  They looked like they were vaulted in.  Every time we walked down the hallway, I always felt a little claustrophobic.

The kids' loft was very wide, but it wasn't very tall.  The kids absolutely loved the idea of the loft and enjoyed it the first day, but by day three they were complaining that they couldn't sleep because they were way too hot.

I remember as a kid, I slept on the second story in California, and my parents did not run the AC at night.  I remember being so extremely hot that as a child, I would sleep in just my underclothes.  I suggested this to Big Sis and she was so grossed out at the idea!  She said she would rather sweat. M&M choose the best seat in the house.  She slept in the loft right up against the glass railing.  At night she would just stare out the window enjoying the beautiful neon lights!


  1. Wow! What a view! Amazing.
    Yes!! It WAS so hot as a kid growing up. Nice apartment. I bet whoever owns that pays a pretty penny for rent. What a treasure of a find Kevin made!
    Great pics! Especially of the girls standing in the loft. They look like giants in an itty bitty room meant for a tiny leprechaun. Ok, well, not entirely. But close!

  2. Nice view...terrifying, but nice.
