Saturday, May 9, 2020

Thanking Corona for the Time to Run

Ever since the Corona Pandemic, I have ran 133 miles, completed a half marathon race, two 10K races and a 6K race. I ran almost every single one of these miles with Kevin.  If I wasn't running with Kevin, I was running with Big Sis or M&M. Before March, I couldn't even run 2 miles without stopping and feeling like I was going to keel over and die.  But, with all the time that Corona has given us, I have consistently been able to run and add my miles on. I have to give all the credit to Kevin.  When we first started I had convinced myself I couldn't run more than 2 miles, so I would grudgingly drag my feet when Kevin said it was time to run.  I would mumble and grumble, but he wouldn't put up with my crap, and just waited patently as I stalled.  I'm going to apologize ahead of time, because this post is going to have a ton of pictures.  I just couldn't decide which pictures to keep and which to take off.  I decided to keep most of them, because each picture is proof of an accomplishment and a memory.  So, pardon the overload.

Big Sis has joined Kevin and I on many of our runs.  She does an amazing job with keeping up with us.  When we do our short 3 miles, we really push her and she stayed right there with us.  Of course, by the end of the race she is super red in the face and can hardly breath, but she never complains and she never stops.  Watching her endurance and watching her run is pretty spectacular.  She has really surprised me, and I wouldn't be surprised if she completes a half marathon before the year is over.  Kylee has completed a 10K race, a 6K race and two 5K races.  She has really done fabulously.  We have had the funniest conversations while running.  It is so fun being matched step by step with her on our runs.  

It has been so much fun running with Big Sis and M&M.  I found a race put on by Potterhead Running Club, called the Shrieking Shack 6K.  Since we are nerdy Harry Potter fans, we were all super excited about running for something Harry Potter related and the medal was super awesome. When M&M started she could only run about a mile.  With consistent running, she was able to complete a 6K without stopping and at a really good pace.  It's so fun seeing her run and watching her work at something that is hard for her. Sometimes Kevin and I needed to run 5-6 miles and M&M and Big Sis only needed 3 miles, so Kevin and I would run, then I would hop on my bike to follow the girls while they ran.  It is fun to talk to them while they run.  I feel our relationship and communication has been strengthened through our time running together and being together. And doing something hard together.

Kevin, Big Sis, M&M and I are excited to continue our running.  We are excited that we have been able to do this together.  We honestly have so much fun.  Some days are easy and we all feel great after a run.  But there are days that the run totally sucks, and my legs hurt, or my knee hurts, or I just die after the race and want nothing more than a nap. But, we are sore together and we laugh when one of us is walking funny because we are sore. It's been fun seeing our time improve and everyone getting stronger.  It is so great just being together and doing something hard together, because we can do hard things. 

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