Thursday, May 11, 2017

Sorting, Stacking, Packing, and Painkillers

The time has come for us (I say "us", but really it's just me) to sort through our belongings and make the overseas purge.  Genocide, if the items were alive, if you think about all the things that have been sold, given to good will, or chucked in the trash.  The dates for our HHG and UAB has been set and the moving companies have contacted us.  UAB will be packed and shipped out on Friday, May 26th, and HHG will be packed May 31- June 2 and shipped off that last day.

I am now in the constant state of stress and headaches.  I have scoured the internet and picked as many brains as possible to figure out what the heck do I pack in our luggage, what do I put in the 1600 lbs granted for UAB and what do I leave for the big HHG pack up.  There is always the wonder of what do I keep and what do I toss.  Overseas housing is much smaller then here.  We won't have a yard, so all yard equipment will be sold to the highest bidder.  Just think off all the free time that will give Kevin!  No more long Saturdays mowing, weeding and edging!!

Our UAB pile keeps growing and growing.  I recently weighed the items and I only have 448 lbs so far- and that includes the bikes!!  I'm thinking a few rugs should come, and perhaps take some clothes out of the luggage and put it in the UAB pile.

Stress level was on Defcon 5 today as I sat trying to move all the important documents from our iMac to the MacBook.  I tend to eat super bad food while I am stressed and I ate through an entire ice cream carton today and didn't notice until it was all gone!  Don't tell Kevin!  If things keep at this rate, I'll arrive to Korea a good 50 lbs heavier.  It's a good thing I have two weeks left before our stuff gets shipped out. Note to self:  Don't buy candy or ice cream for the next two weeks.  Maybe if it isn't around I won't absentmindedly eat my way through the next few weeks.

1 comment:

  1. Ok. So I'm just getting around to reading these. With the news and craziness of my life, I am grateful that things have calmed down a little for me to rest a bit and read.
    I remember this time for you. As an out-sider, I am unfamiliar with terms such as UAB, (which I now know as UnAccompanied Baggage) and HHG. Which I'm still trying to figure out...
    Anyhow, yes, I remember your complaint of the headaches and that "one" carton of ice cream. Yes. Stress is not our friend. I'm so glad you made it through okay! I so wanted to fly out there and help! I recall so many times I looked at the calendar, and looked at our bank account and asked if I could do it. Just not in the cards this time. :(
    You did fantastic, though! I'm going to read the next post . . .
