Friday, May 26, 2017

Unaccompanied Baggage

Our UAB pile keeps growing and growing!  I want to make sure we have everything we need when we get into our new house in Korea!  I have checked and double checked lists online.  I even got out our scale and started to check the weight of everything to make sure we are OK on the weight.  We are given 1700lbs!  When UAB packers got here, they only had one crate.  We were a little upset, because we told them we are allowed 1700lbs.  They said no one ever uses up what they are allowed.  Then we asked if anyone had a family of 6 that they packed up.  That was when they admitted that not usually!  The main worry was that I saw online that as long as a crib can be broken apart, it can go in UAB, so I had it by the door!  But they said furniture can't go.  Luckily, they called the manager and got permission to pack the crib.  That means Zac will have a crib when it comes!  That will be nice for him.  The poor guy will have been in a tiny pack and play for so long!  All our bikes were packed up and wrapped in brown paper.  Since I had everything in totes, all my spices and meds were packed without a problem.  We included our computer and printer in UAB also.  It took them forever to pack the crate.  I am honestly nervous about what will be broken, because they were throwing things around and smashing and pushing objects in.

All our items ready to be put in the crates
In the end, five items did not fit on the crate.  They just put those 5 items in the side of their truck and said it will be packed later.  I hope so!!  It included the crib mattress and Emily's bike and a few other items.  Fingers crossed!

Our 5 items that didn't fit in the crate

1 comment:

  1. Wow! What a sight! So overwhelming to comprehend. Every item wrapped in brown paper or in a brown box. So, did they only have the 1 crate like you said, or did they haul in another crate? You said everything fit but 5 items. And what was the final weight of it all? Do you know? When should it arrive to you in Korea?

    Questions, questions, questions. All these questions!
