Friday, September 22, 2017

"Tae-Kwon-Do: High-Middle-Low"

Since living here in Korea, we have thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to have so many options available for kids activities. When we arrived, we heard about the options for the girls to learn martial arts, such as JuJitsu and Taekwondo. After reviewing the options, we felt that Little A would benefit the most in Taekwondo.

Little did we know that the instructor for this class, Master Mun, is the son of the same Master Mun who trained Chuck Norris!  Norris was stationed here back in his early days in the Air Force, and the Senior Master Man started him on his course to become a third degree black belt, his famous fighting style. Who wouldn't want to be a part of that?!?

Little A has now been taking Taekwondo for the last 2 months, and the level of dedication and discipline has been so very impressive for someone so shy and timid. She attends 4 days a week for an hour each day, and has already progressed through her first belt and is soon testing for her yellow belt. It has been so special to view her dedication. She takes the class very seriously, and each class is full of reviewing the fighting sequences that you need to remember for every belt, plus developing you in the next fighting sequences that are a part of your upcoming belt test. Little A is so dedicated to it, but her effects have had additional consequences: 

1) Little A has learned multiple Korean words and numbers as part of the sequences she has to memorize. 

2) Our little monster, who is just learning to speak, hears his sister constantly practicing statements like "Songtan, Mushgee, Low, Block!" and "Ke-ya!" that Heather and I could simply start on the first words and that little monster will finish the sentence in perfect parroting manner. The best result of it though is that he will yell "Ke-ya" in the best places: in his crib at bedtime, in the middle of sacrament meeting at church, showing that Little A's effort in practicing has directly influenced a little boy who already takes martial arts seriously - at 18 months! Super fun.

We are so proud of her! Little A is a very special girl, and we love that she has grasped on to something that teaches her discipline, respect, pride in accomplishment, self-defense and hand-eye-coordination. All a mere 1 mile away from home! So neat.

When little A tested for her white stripe belt, she had to break a board with her hand for the first time.  Kevin held the board as she concentrated so very hard on that board.  With all the intensity that her little body could muster up, she brought her hand down as hard as she could and screamed "Ke-ya" and broke the board into three!  The look of utter shock, amazement, gratification, and surprise had everyone laughing.  It would be safe to say that Little A's confidence soared!  Putting her in Taekwondo was the best thing we could have ever done!

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