Friday, September 1, 2017

Burak Park Ropes Course

I am always looking on Facebook and asking people for ideas on day outings around here.  I want to do as many things possible before we leave Korea.  I love the people and the culture.  I love seeing the high rise apartments and the trash piled on random street corners.  I love the smell of Kimchi, don't like the taste though!  I love the odd and amazing entertainment that we find.  Today our amazing find was the Ropes Course at the Burak Park, which is not too far from the base and straight up the street.  We had some friends find the park and tell us about this amazing ropes course.  The best part is that during the year of 2017 admission to the course is free.

Kevin and I decided to go try out the course for a date activity.  We called and made a reservation and then showed up at our reserved time.  We came a little early, so while we waited for our time, we walked around the trails at the park.  There are some gorgeous trails around the ropes course!  The trees are so full and the trail is lush and beautifully green.

We made it back for our reserved time and got fitted with our harness and helmet.

Then a guide took us on a small learning course, to help us understand how to move the pulley and zip-line correctly.

After the learning course, we had our own personal guide take us on the real course.  I was a little worried about Kevin, because he has a fear of heights, and the entire thing is up in the tree tops!  The very first obstacle was ropes that were looped up and you had to move from one loop to the next.  It was so hard because you would push your current rope backwards while trying to step into the rope in front of you.  Kevin was sweating for sure on this one.  I was worried he would get stuck.  He took his time and made it safely to the other side.  It was defiantly as hard as Kevin made it look. Luckily, I learned from his mistakes and was able to make it across quickly.

The course had so many fun adventures!  There were two zip-lines!

There was also a part where you had to jump in a bucket and pull yourself across.

There was a tightrope walk, a wood plank walk, and ropes that your had to crisscross to get through.  It was challenging!  It defiantly got my adrenaline up.  It was so fun!!!

Both Kevin and I had a really fun time! It only took us about 20-30 minutes to complete the entire course.  When we were finished and evaluating the different obstacles, we both agreed that the first one was assuredly the most difficult and heart stopping.  After getting past the first obstacle, it was still challenging, but never was there a moment where we were doubting our ability to make it through the obstacle.  Kevin will defiantly be coming back to take the girls on a date here!  And you can't beat FREE!!!

After the course, we were both hungry and at the recommendation of a friend, we stopped at a Korean restaurant right down the street!

Let me tell you about Traditional Korean Restaurants.  At a traditional Korean restaurant, the tables are about 1/2 a foot off the ground with little mats on the floor instead of chairs.  One sits on the mat crossed legged at these super low table.  You also have to take off your shoes before you enter the restaurant.  As you walk in, you have the option to use the Korean slippers provided, or you can go in your socks or bare feet.  I opted to go in my socks.

No one spoke English in the restaurant, there were no pictures of the food and the entire menu was in Korean.  We tried to use our phones with Google Translate to figure out what was on the menu.  In the end we just picked three random things.

The food was delicious!  I have absolutely no idea what we ordered, but I do know it was good. The waiter brought us aprons and put them over our heads and on us.  There were two other people in the restaurant, and they didn't have the aprons on, so either we were making a mess, or they doubted our ability to eat cleanly with chopsticks.  I'm guessing it was the latter. In Korean restaurants, there are not any forks or knives either!  You will always only find metal chopsticks and spoons.  I was getting the hang of eating with my chopsticks, and felt pretty proud of myself.

This was defiantly an amazing date!  Loved the food, the adventure, and most defiantly the company!

1 comment:

  1. Will you get to attend any of the Winter Olympics?
