Friday, June 15, 2018

Mallipo Beach (만리포해수욕장)

One of my friends, Alyssa Mayo, started a Sumer Friday field trip group.  Her trip this Friday was to a beach on the west coast of South Korea.  We originally had plans to go to Cheongpodae Beach, but when we got there, there was nothing but what felt like a mile of gross nasty mud flats until you got the the water.  The mad flat made the kids super dirty, was filled with little sea urchins and these gross black tube creatures that popped out of the sand everywhere.

We stayed here for about a half an hour.  All of my kids were very grossed out about the mud flats.  They didn't like how they were getting mud all over their feet and legs.

Little Monster hated every second of it.  He hated the mud, hated getting dirty and hated the little urchins that were covering the flats.  Sadly there was zero sand.  I am a beach snob, since I grew up in California, and was expecting at least nice warm sand on my toes and a sand castle to be built.  All that was impossible here.

Since it took about 2.5 hours to drive to the beach, I didn't want to spend my day holding the Monster and watching my kid's fill their swim suits with thick, gross mud.  I found out that the most popular beach on the west coast- Mallipo, was only about a half hour away.  I loaded my kids in the car and set out for Mallipo.  We had a really big group join us at the beach, and we all decided to try Mallipo and hope for a better beach.

We got to Mallipo and found a spot with real sand.  We set up our towels and let the kids play for the next few hours.  We got to Mallipo at low tide, so it still seemed like a mud flat, except there wasn't any sea urchins.  The sand wasn't as thick and gross as the mud flats, It was more like thick, wet, dense sand.

It was funny seeing the Koreans at the beach.  All of them are wearing rash guards, hats, sunglasses and leggings.  You wouldn't know they were at a beach, if it wasn't for the water.  There was also K-Pop music playing over a loud speaker, and some old cute Korean ladies were dancing up a storm.

Mallipo has a super huge structure when you enter the beach.  Since we had almost all of our youth from the church, we got them all together to take a picture.  After the picture, they decided to climb up the structure, this was a no-no and we were told so by a few Koreans.  They also played volleyball and just had a great time together. It was nice seeing Big Sis playing and hanging out with a great group of kids.

The kids loved digging in the wet sand/mud! Big Sis helped Little A make sand domes and a small sand castle.

They had such a blast making huge holes, just to see the tide come up in a matter of minutes and fill in their hole.

I have to admit, one of the neatest things about coming to Mallipo at low tide was seeing all the star fish!  There were starfish everywhere and all the kids loved catching them and holding them.

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