Thursday, June 14, 2018

The Splish & Splash

Hello, Big Sis here. I am going to tell you all about my adventure in the Camp Humphrey's Splish and Splash water theme park. If I could summarize the theme park into one word it would be, Awesome!

After school got out, I ate lunch and helped mom pack the swimming bag and get all the littles ready. After 30 minutes of this preparation, we left the house and were on the rode towards Camp Humphreys. Before we could go to the water park, me and M&M had to do some swimming demos of our strokes to the swim coach for me and her to get on the swim team during the summer. After going into the pool in the Humphreys super gym and doing the strokes me and M&M dried off and we drove to the Splish and Splash.

The park didn't open till 2:00 pm, and we got there around 1:55. There was a really big line and we of course waited in it to get in. After the gates opened, we checked in and got our diving board passes and then we headed in and got a table to set all our stuff down. After bathing our selves in sunscreen, we headed to the pools.

Their was so many pools to choose from. There where 2 slides,

a small water play area for small kids,

a tiny pool that was 3 feet deep for kids Little A's age, and a super deep pool that had three diving board(1 of which was 10 feet high), and a REALLY big pool for laps, and mainly just to play in.

It was so cool to see all the great thing in this one tiny little amusement park. After getting our table, we got our food. there was some really good food items that where offered. There were hot dogs, hamburgers, chips, pasta, cupcakes, lemonade, and water. I had a hamburger, BBQ chips, a cupcake, and lemonade. It was such a good lunch. I loved it so much. The best part was that it was free!  It was the grand opening of the Splish and Splash, so there was music and free food!  M&M, Little A, mom, and Monster also had their lunch. After letting our food set, we went to the water.

We were super lucky because we had a lot of friends that showed up!  M&M and Aurora tried out the slides, but I didn't because the water that was used for the slide was very cold, like really cold! M&M said that it was but still did the slides over and over again. I really don't know why! I mainly stuck to the diving boards.

I really enjoyed them more than anything else. I did simple jumps. I tried to super tall diving board, and it was really scary because it looked like you where 30 feet tall, but you where really only 10 feet tall. I tried that diving board a couple of times, and even tried a flip off the tall one, but that just turned into a belly flop which didn't really hurt and so I just did the simple jumps. It was super fun. Little A was having lots of fun in the pool that was perfect for her, the 3 foot deep pool, and she was having to time of her life. She also had friends to play with, which made her super happy.

It was so much fun doing all the things that there was to do in the water park. I didn't try the slides at all because I don't like cold water. I really enjoyed doing everything because I didn't really have a favorite thing to do.

It took a long time for Monster to get used to the water.  He was like me and didn't like how cold it was.  One of his favorite things was this turtle and had water coming out of it's mouth.  Monster liked to flick the water at mom and me.  He was so funny.


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