Sunday, December 16, 2018

Creating a Gingerbread Candy Temple

This is M&M here and I am going to tell you about our adventure at home with making a gingerbread house. We decided to wing it this year and made gingerbread from scratch. Mom, Dad, Big Sis, and I helped make the gingerbread while Dad made a sketch of what our gingerbread house would look like. We then cut out paper as stencils and cut the gingerbread to make walls, doors, the ceiling, the ground, and many other things. We then pieced the puzzle together to make the outside of the gingerbread house.

We had decided to make a candy temple this year. We made the frosting and "glued" the gingerbread together. Then the fun began... Mom and Dad busted open the candy and we started decorating the candy temple.

Mom made little missionaries that looked like her and Dad. Big Sis and I made the sign with a little help from Dad. Addy made some benches for the back of the temple. Everyone pitched in with decorating the rest of the temple. We used crushed candy to make the top look like stained glass.

After we were done I noticed something was missing. I graded 3 yellow gumdrops and fashioned them to look like the Statue Moroni that is at the top of the temple.

The temple looked amazing and it was surely our most amazing gingerbread creation yet.

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