Thursday, December 27, 2018

Snow Fun at Jisan Ski Resort

One of my bucket list items in Korea was to go on an ITT snowboarding trip.  I looked at prices for ITT and it was crazy expensive for my entire family to go, so we decided to hit the slopes with the Rusts.  Our amazing Korean neighbor Jin called ahead of time and got us an appointment for lessons. It had either been a long while since we have gone, or for some, they had never been, so lessons were a must.

We got to Jisan Ski Resort and after a few wrong turns, miming, and asking everyone we saw, we made it to the lessons building.  Those that didn't have equipment were fitted and off we went.  Four of the kids were taking skiing lessons, and five of us were taking snowboarding lessons.  Holly and Tyler just went straight to the slopes.

Little A and Big Sis opted for skiing while M&M, me and Kevin went for the boards.  Little A and Big Sis had a great instructor.  They were both learning and catching on so very fast.  It was so fun seeing then go down the bunny hill all on their own.  They were both having so much fun and were all smiles. 

We snowboarders on the other hand spent a lot of our time on the ground freezing our bums and hands off.  Our instructor did not speak any English other than "not right".  She would show us something, of which we had no idea what we were supposed to be watching, then would have each of us go down about 5 feet one by one.  It was a slow and cold process.  None of us knew what she was wanting us to do.  She spent a lot of time on her phone on google translate trying to figure out what to say and how to say it.  

Our lessons were up after 2 hours, and in that two hour frame we made it down the super tiny bunny hill only twice.  We were never given the chance to attempt it on our own. It was frustrating not being able to have the chance to try to snowboard, and even more frustrating that the language barrier made the lessons a complete failure.  Luckily, we were all in good company, so we still ended the two hours with smiles and good spirits.  Sadly, Holly and Tyler did not end the two hours with good spirits.  This winter in Korea has been a very dry winter, so all the snow was man made and hard ice.  Poor Holly took a fall while snowboarding and broke her tail bone.  She was in a lot of pain.  I felt so bad for her.

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