Saturday, February 16, 2019

Freddie's Archery Family Date

This is M&M here and I am going to share my experience at the Archery Cafe. It was a day where we wanted to have an adventure but had nothing to do. Dad had gone to the Archery Cafe the day before with some guys for some fun. Dad and Mom decided that we where going to take an adventure to the cafe. We all piled into the car then we set off to make a memory on one of my favorite sports, Archery.

We got to the street where the cafe was and got out of the car. We went into the cafe then got settled in the waiting room. We had gotten there at around 1:45 and the cafe had lessons at 2:00. So we waited for the teacher while getting all the gear on.

The teacher got there and we got our bows. We learned the rules and got ready to shoot. The instructor got out a little bow and gave it to Monster. It turned out that Monster was also able to do it and he had fun shooting arrows at the target.

The rest of us shot 10 arrows each and got them after everyone was done shooting. I was doing really good and hitting the target.  I had a great time shooting because I got a strait bulls eye. My arrow landed right on the dot in the middle of the target that was a real bullseye. It was so amazing!!!! Big Sis was getting disappointed because she had not gotten into the yellow part of the target that was a bulls-eye. She was determined and on our last round of shooting, she shot a bulls eye.

Mom was nailing it by shooting in the red and yellow. She was having a great time.

It was cool watching Little A shoot a bow-and-arrow for the first time.  She shot some arrows so high they were off the target.  She would just laugh and ask for help to get them down.

Monster was having the time of his life, every time he shot an arrow and it landed somewhere, he would yell, " Mommy, Look!!!"  So cute!!

The Instructor took over helping Monster, so daddy could shoot too.  They were so good with Monster and would help lift him up when his arrows were too high from him.  They gave him all kinds of encouragement in Korean, I know Monster didn't understand the words, but he definitely understood the meaning and let them help him the entire time.  This is pretty big, because he usually won't let anyone even talk to him. While Monster was in the watch of super amazing Koreans, daddy took to the target just a few spots down.  He was so much better at it than everyone.  He was super amazing.

We had such a fun experience at the Archery Cafe and we were happy to make another memory in Korea.

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