Saturday, February 23, 2019

Korea Minute to Win It Monthly Parties

I was really struggling to feel close to people and feel like I had a good group of friends last year, so Kevin and I brainstormed ideas on how to expand our friend radius and create stronger bonds with the people we do already associate with.  We came up with the idea to have a monthly rotating Minute to Win It Party.  The looser would have to host and come up with the games for the next month.  We would provide prizes for the winner and the looser would be given a hideous thing to display in their home until the next game when they would pass it to the next looser.  We called together some friends and started a Minute to Win Group.  We had our first Party six months ago in August. It was a hilarious night and a great way to really get to know people as they really are.  I loved and looked forward to every Minute to Win It night.

One of the best parts was hearing the team names that people came up with.  Here are a few of the teams: Chresteane and Darren Howell were the Rammer Jammer. Laura and Jeff Taylor were Michael Scott Paper Company. Julie and Burke Manning were first the Blue Bombers, then the Mighty Mannings.  Kevin and I were the California Crushers.  Ruth and Chris Strommer were the Strommer Slayers.

Shannah and Phil Buddenbender were Buda Bears. Holly and Tyler Rust were Team Rusticas.  We also had Alesha and Randy Jones as Not Fast, Just Furious. Alyssa and Robert Mayo were Team Mayo.

A few other teams that participated were Corianne and Dustin Schwartz appearing as the team, We have the Runs. Paul and Joanna Livaudais were LivaDizzles.  As people started moving out and others started moving in, teams started to shift and we lost some players and gained more players.  The McClouds joined and became I'd Hit That and The Andreasens joined as Goat Rodeo.  The Walkers also joined the fun as The Benchwarmers.

The games that we played were so creative and absolutely funny and humiliating.  Kevin and I started by coming up with eight games.  We played four games, had a food and social break, then continued with the last four games.  We realized that eight was too much, so in the end it was usually six games total.  The loosing team came up with the next games for the next month's party.

One game had containers on the end of rulers and we had to shake our head back and forth to get all the tick tacks out of the container.  I felt like a bulldog and got the biggest headache from shaking my head.  Another game was a team game where one person had to grab toilet paper with their feet and toss it over their head and the other player had to try to catch it in a laundry basket.

There was this crazy game where one player put a shower cap on and sprayed shaving cream on the shower cap.  The other player had to throw Cheetos at the shower cap and tried to get the Cheetos to stay on the shaving cream.  It was sooooo gross, so I made Kevin do the shower cap part.

Some games involved sucking up skittles through a straw and blowing them in a cup.  And one of the funniest games was when someone would put a nylon of their head with a tennis ball on the end.  They had a circle of water bottles around them that they had to knock down with the nylon ball.  Kevin tried to get on his hands and knees and spin the nylon to knock over the bottles.  That caused a massive head rush and the bottles didn't fall.  It was so funny.

One game required cards to be thrown in a bucket.  One team decided to try to get around the rules by holding the team mate by the shirt and then that team player was closer to the bucket, but according to the rules, their feet were still behind the line.  Oh my goodness, I thought I would die laughing.  One team actually dropped their spouse.  We were all rolling and crying with laughter.

We had dice stacking games that required balance, steady hands and almost holding your breath.

Another funny game was the banana and ball game.  The player tied a banana around their waist and had to swing the banana to hit the ball to go over the line.  There were some great hip swinging and jumping happening.  Team Rustica came up with the game where the players had to stuff their faces in whipped cream to find skittles.

It was so fun to see everyone get out of their comfort zone and just let loose.  So many inside jokes were created at these Minute to Win It games.  We found out the Holly is terrified of balloons, so any game with balloons almost guaranteed her team would loose that round.  We also learned that Kevin can't blow up a balloon to save his life or to get team points.  So, anything involving blowing up balloons, I always tried to do.  One game had us blowing bubbles into a hulu hoop.  Seeing the concentrating and frustration when the bubbles popped was so funny.

So many games required blindfolds, so we bought these "eye bras", at least that is what Kevin called them.  Cori wore it well.  One of the messiest games was the ice cream sundae game.  One player laid on the ground while the other player stood on a chair.  The player on the ground had to hold an ice cream cone in their mouth, with the other player standing up and tried to drop sprinkled, chocolate, whipped cream and cherries in the cone.  Some peeps ended up with an ice cream sundae face rather than cone.

Since the Minute To Win It parties went on for over a year, there were so many creative, funny, and fun games that we played.  These were only a few.  It created a group of fabulous friends.  It was a night to look forward to, and it was wonderful to get to know our friends at an even deeper level.  It also was a night where we just laughed until our sides hurt.

As a group we had a lot of fun with the looser prizes.  We started with just a stuffed animal, and ended with a life size picture of Phil Buddenbender holding the stuffed animal.  In the end the cut out had earrings, a necklace, a binki in his mouth and a baby bib.  It was fun seeing what everyone added to the looser trophy.  At one game night, it was actually the one Kevin and I lost, the Schwartz brought a cake that said "I win, you loose". We loved it!! What great nights and what amazing friends.

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