Saturday, September 14, 2019

Date Afternoon at Bernkastel-Kues

It's been a while since Kevin and I went out on a date, so we decided to take the afternoon and go explore the castle of Bernkastel-Kues since we didn't get a chance during the rained out firework show.  We went with Les and Rachel Ambrus and made it a double date. We made great timing and got to the castle in about an hour and a half.

As we were walking around the castle, Kevin had someone come up behind him and say hi.  We whipped around and saw Mason McMullin, our friend and kids' pediatrician from South Korea.  We couldn't believe it and hugs were shared all around.  We ended up catching up for a while before we both had to go on our way.  We were standing over a lookout point and Mason said he could take a picture for us, so we stood and he snapped a picture.  After he left we saw that he also snapped a selfie, that was a fun surprise.

The views from the castle were pretty amazing.  It was also a super gorgeous day, so we took our time and walked all the way around the castle seeing all the views from every angle.

We went in the castle and walked all around the inside.  We decided to pay the 2 Euro each and climb the tower to the very top.  The stairs were the old scary skinny spiral staircases that just went on and on and on.  At the very top we just talked and enjoyed the view.

We had dinner reservations at a restaurant at 6:00, so we said good bye to the castle and took the beautiful walk to the other side of the river to the restaurant.  We were just a little early for our reservation but there were open tables outside, so they let us sit and get some drinks.  We brought cards, so we sat and played cards for a while while sipping on our cokes and cherry juice.  The crazy thing about the restaurant is that they closed the kitchen for about an hour and a half.  So we had to sit for about two hours before we could order some food.  I was so hangry and getting more moody by the second.  There was nothing we could do, because when the kitchen closed we couldn't even get drink refills.  It didn't make any sense to us, since we weren't that early for our reservation, but I guess Germans take their time to eat and just like to chat. I was just glad we had games to pass the time.  But, I must admit and Kevin will attest, that I was so hungry that even games couldn't get me in a good mood. We ended up being in the restaurant for over four hours.  Needless to say we got home so extremely late, but all in all, it was a great date.

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