Saturday, September 28, 2019

Frankfurt Germany Temple Open House

This is M&M here and I am going to tell you about my experience of going to the Frankfurt Germany Temple Open House. Since the open house was after school, we had to bring church clothes with us to school. After school was over, instead of going on the bus, we hopped into a friends car. We drove to the library and changed into church clothes. Then we drove to the drop-off point. We usually always go to a drop off point before a church activity so we can arrange people into the cars to make sure everybody gets there and to make sure everyone knows where to go. We all got situated and drove off. I was not in the same car as Big Sis so I don't know what she did on the drive. I was with some of my friends on the drive. We had fun talking and playing games in the car. We drove about 1 hour and got to the temple. It was a marvel. It was so beautiful!!!!! We all got out of the car and walked up to the temple entrance. The structure was so pretty and amazing. After everybody was accounted for, we went to the visitors center. The temple manager was there and he talked to us. After  that, we went into the temple! We all went in groups with a guide. This was my first time going through the whole temple because I had never been to an open house before. It was amazing! I felt the spirit so much there. We walked through it all and I wanted to go through again because I loved it so much. We all waited and marveled at the temple while we waited for everybody. We all got accounted for and with one last glance at the temple, we drove home. We all drove and went to the drop-off place again. Our parents picked us up and we went home. I will never forget my experience at the temple ever.

Since the Youth had a special Temple Open House night, Kevin and I took Little A and Monster to the temple to walk through a few days later.  We wanted them to have the opportunity to walk through the temple before it was dedicated.  This is the first time that both Little A and Monster had been inside a temple.  They both did so amazing in the temple and showed respect to the House of the Lord.

After we went through the temple, we took some time to walk around the beautiful grounds and enjoy the temple from the outside.

We stopped in the visitor centre and enjoyed the art work and the statue of Christ.  After leaving the visitor centre, we took a walk down the road from the temple and found a little German restaurant to eat dinner.  We enjoyed some heavy foods filled with meat and potatoes.  We enjoyed the atmosphere and the food, then made our way back home.

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