Saturday, October 26, 2019

Bike Date to Landstuhl Castle

Kevin and I wanted to get out and have an active date, so we decided it would be fun and pretty quick  to jump on our bikes and ride up to Nanstein Castle.  According to Google Maps, it was only a 30 minute bike ride from our house.  We loaded up a backpack, checked our bike tires and set off up the hill to the castle.  The first part of the trail is uphill, and I honestly thought my heart was going to burst out of my chest.  I was so tired and so out of breath and so out of shape, but I didn't stop.  Luckily the last part of the ride was through a little village, so we had a pretty flat ride for the last ten minutes or so.  We made it to the castle, parked our bikes and caught our breath. 

The lookout for the castle is pretty great and look out over Landstuhl Village.  The castle was open, so we paid the Euro entrance fee and took our time to walk all around the castle.  There were towers, broken walls, arches and a creepy underground tunnel and huge room, that must have been a dungeon.  I think the creepy underground dungeon was my most favourite part.  It even had the echo of dripping water and dark corners and high ceilings.  It was unexpected and super dark and so very cool.

The upper floors of the castle were of course open because it is castle ruins, of course.  The side walls were still intact and we really enjoyed walking up the outdoor stairs and walking under the beautiful arches.  The views from the top were also pretty amazing.  It was defiantly a fun and adventurous date.

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