Thursday, January 2, 2020

Austria: Little A's Skiing Experience

This is Little A and I went to Austria.  I was a little nervous and so excited to ski again.  I went skiing when we lived in Korea once.  When I got there I was really nervous if my teacher was going to be rude but she was very nice.  The first day I was with Big Sis and Monster.  Then we left Monster and I had to go in Big Sis's class and my teacher was nice. We got to go down really fast and actually ski on the back of the mountain and go on the fun course.  The next day, I had to go in a new class again and Big Sis went with a different teacher, so I was by myself.

I was the most saddest on this day at lunch because I was not eating with my family.  I kept my ski goggles on and cried in my ski goggles.  I have never felt that way before.  I felt lonely inside of me.  At the end of the day I told mom and dad how I felt at lunch.  They said it was quiet and lonely without me talking and joking and making it not quiet.  So, we decided that we should always eat lunch together and I felt much better.

We got to go down a really snowy hill with lots of bumps (snowbanks), and I really liked these because I would ski through them and it would make me jump.

I had a teacher named Hannah. She was nice and gave us all gummy bears. She learned us how to turn and stop.  When I went down the mountain I felt so happy and free from school work and everything. Hannah only had two people in her afternoon class, me and another person.  It was fun because we got to go down a steep hill as fast as we could, I went down so fast.

My most favorite part of this trip was going on the obstacle course because I got to do tricks that I knew.  I also got to go as fast as I wanted.  Some of the tricks are turns, side to side and duck ski.

I was the most scared to go on the snowy, bounce, highest, steepest part of the mountain because I thought that I was going to fall all the way down.  But, I did not fall down the hill because I was brave and I kept going in the ski position and I would stop if I felt like I was going to fall. I made it all the way down the mountain.  I can do hard things.

We had awards the last night and I won first place. For the races, I concentrated on the turns and did real good. When I got first place, it made me feel great.

I loved skiing and I want to do it again.  I want to go to Austria again.

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