Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Monster at Landstuhl Library Story Time

When the kids went back to school after Christmas Break, I decided to try out Emma Madsen's gym class at the Landstuhl Fitness Center.  After my first class, all the ladies were asking me if I was going to take Monster to the Landstuhl Story Time.  I actually had no idea that there was a library on Landstuhl.  We didn't have anything else to do, so Monster and I followed the ladies to the library.  I was so impressed with the story time.  Monster stayed focused on the librarian the entire time.  He was so excited to be sitting on his own cushion, but I think he was more excited that two of his friends from his Joy School were also at the story time. 

After reading a few books and singing songs, the kids rushed over to the table area where the librarian had prepared a craft for them to complete.  Every week, she does an amazing job by picking a theme for the day and having all the books, songs and the craft all centered around the theme.  One week she did Chinese New Years, to celebrate the Chinese NewYear.  The librarian read a few Chinese New Year books, and the kids sang some New Year songs.  The kids had a really fun craft that day, where they got to make Chinese lanterns.  Monster was so happy that there was green paper and green stickers.  

Another week for story time, the library put on a big puppet show for the kids to celebrate Dr. Seuss week.  All the kids were so excited for the show.  The librarian played the main puppets and she did such a great job changing her voice and with all the enthusiasm she had in her voice,  it was even fun to watch as a parent.  My little Monster started to just know when it was Wednesdays and he would wake up very excited and tell me today was Story Time at the library.  He loved seeing his friends, so he started asking me in the morning to make sure to call all the moms and remind them it is story time and make sure they were coming.  It has been so great to get a good work out, then head straight to the library so my little man can enjoy some books and crafts and friends.  I really look forward to Wednesdays now, the day just rushes by.

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