Saturday, February 29, 2020

A Birthday in Paris, France

Kevin asked me a few weeks ago what I wanted to do for my birthday.  I initially said I really didn't care, but a few days later, I realized that I really, really wanted to go to Paris for my birthday.  A few nights after he asked we were sitting at the table doing our budget and I spoke up and spoke my mind and told him I really wanted to go to Paris, he said, OK and got on the computer and looked up and bought train tickets to Paris.  Living in Germany is amazing!  Our village has a train station, so we were able to walk 5 minutes to our station and catch a train with only one transfer to Paris!  There is an ICE train that goes directly from Saarbrucken to Paris without stopping and goes about 200 mph/ 320 km/h. We left our house at 8AM, and arrived in Paris before 11 AM.  It was so easy.

While we were on the train we planned our day out so we could use our time effectively.  We bought tickets with skip the line passes. When we got off the train we went to the metro and bought a day pass each and hopped on the metro to our first destination: The Notre Dame Cathedral.  We knew we wouldn't be allowed in due to the fire last April, but we were surprised that we couldn't even get close.  The entire area was completely fenced off.  I was hoping we would be able to see point Zero, but that was within the restricted area.

We enjoyed walking along the river and feeling the brisk breeze.  The Seine River is super nasty.  I was surprised at how dirty it was, it didn't look like water, it just looked like light brown mud swirling around. It was lunch time and we were both pretty hungry so we stopped at a to-go deli and grabbed some amazing sandwiches.  The bread with nice and crispy and the tomatoes were super fresh.  It was such a delicious sandwich.

Our next stop was the Sainte Chapelle.  Kevin really wanted to go here and luckily we had skip-the-line tickets because the line was ridiculously long.  I looked up the description and it said ,"Ornate 13th century Gothic chapel with relics and notable stained-glass windows of biblical scenes." Ok, I thought, so like every other cathedral we have seen, shrug, no big deal.  We walked into the low celiling chapel and there were a few stain glass window about the windows.  It was a small and rather dark room and not very impressive.  I didn't understand why people would be lining up for this, but I figured it was just because it was popular.

We went to the right rear where there was a small winding staircase upward.  Up we went until we walked into one of the most impressive and beautiful rooms I have seen.  I literally stopped walking with a big O on my mouth.  Wall to wall, almost floor to ceiling was beautiful stain glass pictures.  So worth it!  We walked around just admiring the art of the windows for a while.  There were multiple tour groups and they were taking notes and nodding excitedly and staring up at the window panels.  Kevin and I turned and looked at each other and both voiced our desire to know more about the chapel and the windows.

Rick Steves came to our rescue.  I remembered that I had his app on my phone and opened it up with my fingers crossed that he had an audio tour of Sainte Chappel, and sure enough there it was.  We spent the next half hour or so walking around the rooms learning about the windows.  We learned that there are 15 huge windows and each window depicts a story in the Bible.  You start at the rear right with the stories in Genesis and End at the rear with the Apocalypse.

Kevin and I followed the Bible Stories from Adam and Eve, to Cain and Able, and Moses and on.  We followed the stories to the center above the Alter which shows the Passion of Christ.  It wasn't until I really notice and was listening to the audio tour that I realized that the alter was way up high.  This entire time I thought it was missing the alter or it had been stolen or put in a museum because the main area under the windows of the Passion of Christ was just empty and plain.  I finally saw a golden spiral staircase to the right that went up to the alter on top.  It is here on this alter that King Louise XVI placed a bought and supposed real crown of thorns that was placed on the head of Jesus Christ.

This entire church and the focal point is of this crown of thorns.  The remnants of the supposed crown are now in the treasury of the Notre Dame and are only displayed 13 times a year.  The church is beautiful and the history was really neat to learn.  I'm really glad Kevin wanted to come to the church.

We left the church and I was expecting to look back and see beautiful windows and a gorgeous building, instead I just saw a rather dull and almost ugly building.  I learned that the outside was made for the sole purpose of being a sound structure for the windows.  You can't see the windows since there isn't any light really reflecting from the inside outward.

Our next stop was right next door to The Conciergerie.  The Conciergerie was the prison where they kept those to be beheaded.  It was the prison of the famous Marie Antoinette.  We walked in and were greeted by a huge room with four gigantic fireplaces, this was where the guards would hang out. Up some stairs we came to different displays and rooms.  There were quotes and photos on the wall.  One room had a video looping and giving the history of the French Revolution.  We came to a small room that had name plates all over the wall.  Each name was someone who had been beheaded. There was also the story of how Maximillian, the one who started it all, ended up also being beheaded, so ironic.

We made our way through the prison to Maria Antoinettes prison cell.  She was given two rooms where she stayed.  She was also given a courtyard where she was allowed to get fresh air. Kevin and I commented about how it didn't seem like a prison cell or a prison courtyard, but an office building.  I thought about what is must have been like for her.  To have her husband beheaded and know that she was next and to have to live and go about for nine months until it was her turn.  To mentally prepare for that moment must have been hard for her.  Did you know she accidentally stepped on the executioner foot and softly apologized for that?  My respect for Marie went up after visiting The Conciergerie.

When we walked out of the prison were were surprised to see blue skies. Before leaving for Paris, we looked at the weather and it called for rain all day, so we brought our umbrellas and were prepared for a wet day.  I was pleasantly surprised to walk out to a beautiful afternoon.  When we bought our train tickets we knew that we wanted to go to the Eiffel Tower, so we bought tickets early.  Our reservation time was for 2:30, so we set off to the Metro to make it to the Eiffel Tower.

The closest metro was a little walk, so we enjoyed leasurly walking through the streets of Paris.  It was fun passing all the little shops and cafes.  We stopped at a cafe called Angelina's and got some hot chocolate and macarons.  This cafe is known for their hot chocolate, and it was a pretty little penny, but worth every cent.  It was delicious and thick and creamy.  It reminded me of Italian Hot Chocolate.  The Macarons, on the other hand, were discusting.  Gross.  Yuck.  I didn't even finish mine, and that says a lot.  I did comment to Kevin that no one said to get macarons there, they all rave about the hot chocolate.

We walked past the Louvre, and longingly looked at the lines and the museum.  We knew this would be the perfect thing to do without kids, but we had too many other things to do today.  We decide to save the Louvre for another day and another trip.

We found the metro and made it to the Eiffel Tower stop.  We followed the signs and beheld the iconic tower.  The sky was blue and the tower was beautiful.

After going through security and ticket check, we found ourselves at the base of the Eiffel Tower.  It was neat seeing the iron and metal structure so close.  It looked as if someone took one of the tower toys and just blew it up, or shrunk the real thing for the toy.  It almost looked like an amusement ride.

We got squeezed into an elevator with probably 50-60 people and made our way to the second tier of the tower.  The sky was clear and we could see for miles.  It was beautiful.  Kevin is usually a little nervous with heights, but he seemed to really love the views right along side me.

We took our time and walked slowly around the entire Eiffel Tower seeing the view from every vantage point.  We looked out and tried to spot all the different landmarks of Paris.  I was suprised at how it looked more domestic than industrial.  There was only one small section that had high risers and office buildings.  We spent about an hour just talking and walking around enjoying the views.

Reluctantly we decided to make our way down.  We chose to take the stairs down so we could continue to enjoy the views on our decent.  It was super easy taking the stirs down, and it was great holding Kevin's hand as we slowly came down.

When we got to the bottom, we took more time to just slowly walk around the base of the Eiffel Tower.  We exited the gates, then walked all the way down the walkway in from of the Eiffel Tower to get a great view from the from go the tower.  We were hoping the lights would come on while we were there, but we were still a few hours from the lights turning on.  I was slightly bummed, but not a lot because I knew we would be back soon. 

We jumped on the metro and went to our next destination, the Arc of Triomphe.  We exited the metro to find a dark grey sky and rain pouring down.  We got out our umbrellas and started walking towards the Arc.  I noticed that in the distance there were clear blue skies, so we decided to find a famous macaron place called Laduree which was just down the street and wait out the rain.  The line for Laduree was so long, but with the rain, we didn't mind waiting.  We got 12 macarons to take home and share with the kids and by the time we left the store, we were greeted with clear blue skies once more.

We walked down the street and straight for the Arc.  Kevin and I mentioned that the arc looked super familiar and found out that sure enough it was inspired by the Arch of Titus, which we saw in Rome. This Arc honors those who fought and died during the French Revolution.

Since we already had tickets, we were able to walk right under the Arc and go straight into the stairway without waiting.  All the French victories are inscribed on the walls of the Arc and there were even some General names too.  Under the Arc of Triomphe there is also a Tomb of the Unknown Soldier from WWI which was guarded by some soldiers.  The winding staircase went up and up. It went on forever, but we were determined to make it to the top without stopping.

When we got to the top, we were rewarded with some spectacular views of the city to include the Eiffel Tower in the distance. We were so blessed to have clear blue skies, I just know this was a birthday blessing.  It was so beautiful.

 We left the Arc of Triomphe, and had about an hour and a half until we needed to be at the train station.  We decided to head to the north part of Paris in search of the Wall of Love.  We got off the Metro and saw the gigantic Sacre-Coeur, a domed white church, at the end of the street.  We talked about trying to go to the church with out remaining time, but realized the line was rather long and we didn't have enough time, so we will save this church for the next time we come to Paris.

We walked just a few more blocks, and found ourselves at the pin on the maps for the Wall of Love, but we didn't see a wall anywhere.  We walked around and finally after searching we found it behind a closed and locked gate.  We couldn't figure out why it was closed or how to get in.  It was well behind trees and buildings, so we couldn't even try to get a picture, I guess this is something else we will see when we come back.  We spent the next while just roaming the cute streets and little French shops.  I found some amazing sterling silver earrings, and Kevin smiled and bought them for me and said Happy Birthday with a sweet kiss.  I love this guy so much!  We had just enough time to get a gelato, so we stopped at Amorino which was on the way to the metro station.  We didn't realize they would make our gelato into a flower.  It was the perfect end to a perfect birthday.  Today was a magical and special day for me.  I loved everything about Paris, but I loved that I got to share it with the man I love.  Happy Birthday to me, the best birthday ever!

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Do You Want to Build a Snowman?

Kindsbach finally had its first real snow.  It was so funny because in the morning when it started, M&M took a video and was yelling all excited that it was really snowing and there was so much snow.  In the video it only showed just a light snow and it wasn't really sticking.  Then a few hours later she took another video and was yelling all excited that it was really snowing now, and it showed just a little snow on the ground and it was just starting to stick and stay.  This went on all day and in the end there were about 5 little video clips of her so excited about the snow.  We ended up having school cancelled and it snowed all day.  We got about 3 inches of snow and the kids couldn't have been happier.

Monster and Little A went outside and played in the snow for hours.  They were both shivering and had blue lips, but they still didn't want to come in.  They were just running around and throwing tiny snowballs at the window and at each other. I finally had to pull them inside and both of them had completely wet and cold socks and freezing hands.  

They only stayed inside just long enough to warm up before they put on new socks and ran back outside.  I really appreciated our radiator heaters today, because I just laid their wet socks and gloves and coats on the radiators and they dried and warmed up pretty quick. Big Sis and M&M ran outside with the littles this time.  They all immediately went to work making large snowballs.  They kept singing, "Do you want to build a snowman."

I was impressed by how quickly they got some pretty gigantic snowballs made.  They just kept rolling the ball and as you can see, it just picked up all the snow in its path.  They put all the snowballs by each other and attempted to pick them up, but they were way too heavy.  I came out to try to help them lift the snowballs on top of each other, but they were too heavy for me too.  So we enlisted the help of Kevin, and with all of us holding onto the snowball, we were able to lift one on top of the other to create one of the best snowmen we have ever made.

After the snowman was correctly stacked, we shaped the snow around the head and chest.  The kids all got super excited because we had just bought carrots the other day, so inside they ran and out they came with amazing snowman nose shaped carrots.  We even had an old scarf that was in our goodwill pile that they ran and brought out for our backyard friend.  After the snowman was all done, we had a huge snowball fight.  At this point every single one of us were freezing cold, so we came inside and made some hot chocolate and enjoyed a Snow Day movie together.