Thursday, February 27, 2020

Do You Want to Build a Snowman?

Kindsbach finally had its first real snow.  It was so funny because in the morning when it started, M&M took a video and was yelling all excited that it was really snowing and there was so much snow.  In the video it only showed just a light snow and it wasn't really sticking.  Then a few hours later she took another video and was yelling all excited that it was really snowing now, and it showed just a little snow on the ground and it was just starting to stick and stay.  This went on all day and in the end there were about 5 little video clips of her so excited about the snow.  We ended up having school cancelled and it snowed all day.  We got about 3 inches of snow and the kids couldn't have been happier.

Monster and Little A went outside and played in the snow for hours.  They were both shivering and had blue lips, but they still didn't want to come in.  They were just running around and throwing tiny snowballs at the window and at each other. I finally had to pull them inside and both of them had completely wet and cold socks and freezing hands.  

They only stayed inside just long enough to warm up before they put on new socks and ran back outside.  I really appreciated our radiator heaters today, because I just laid their wet socks and gloves and coats on the radiators and they dried and warmed up pretty quick. Big Sis and M&M ran outside with the littles this time.  They all immediately went to work making large snowballs.  They kept singing, "Do you want to build a snowman."

I was impressed by how quickly they got some pretty gigantic snowballs made.  They just kept rolling the ball and as you can see, it just picked up all the snow in its path.  They put all the snowballs by each other and attempted to pick them up, but they were way too heavy.  I came out to try to help them lift the snowballs on top of each other, but they were too heavy for me too.  So we enlisted the help of Kevin, and with all of us holding onto the snowball, we were able to lift one on top of the other to create one of the best snowmen we have ever made.

After the snowman was correctly stacked, we shaped the snow around the head and chest.  The kids all got super excited because we had just bought carrots the other day, so inside they ran and out they came with amazing snowman nose shaped carrots.  We even had an old scarf that was in our goodwill pile that they ran and brought out for our backyard friend.  After the snowman was all done, we had a huge snowball fight.  At this point every single one of us were freezing cold, so we came inside and made some hot chocolate and enjoyed a Snow Day movie together.

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