Saturday, February 1, 2020

Kingfish Swim Divisionals in Berlin

Hi there, this is Big Sis and I'm gonna tell everybody all about our adventure at the Kingfish Swim Team Divisionals in Berlin. So we drove up to Berlin on Thursday, got to Berlin on Friday, explored Berlin all of Friday, and then the swim meet was on Saturday. Me, M&M, Eva, Aspen, and Abby all were swimming and so all of us woke up really early and got ready for the meet. I was really nervous, not gonna lie.

We got there and the pool was super packed with swimmers. We did some super long warm ups and then the swim meet started. My events were 50 meter Free, 100 meter Free, and 100 meter Breaststroke. It was so much fun watching the swim meet from the upper levels and we got to cheer on all of our friends form above.

The swim meet went by really fast. I am super proud of myself because I am friends with the this girl, Giulia, and on the 50 Free, I expected her to win, but as it turns out, I passed her and I was 2nd in my heat. I was so happy when I heard that. My other strokes, I beat my old times, didn't really place very high, but still placed.

Since this was our very last swim meet for this year, me and M&M got to get a sweatshirt that we customized ourselves.

After the swim meet was done, all of us traveled back to the Air B&B and we just hung around and watch some movies on the projector, in the bathroom. LOL.

Mom and Dad said we did so good that we went out for ice cream.  I got the biggest one I could find and it was delicious.

I really enjoyed going to weight training and making friends in both the younger, middle, and older groups. I really enjoyed swimming against the older swimmers and challenging myself to do some of the hardest events, the 400 meter Free, and my favourite part I say has to be the support my family has given me.

It was a lot of fun looking back at this swim season and realise that we were really good at swimming. I have decided that I am doing it again next year. I love swimming, I am realy good at it (I am completely certain I got that from my mom), and I have to thank my mom for giving me a love for swimming and my dad for always cheering me on and helping me swim those really hard events. I love my family. Until next time.

Hello. This is M&M and I am going to tell you about my experience at Swim Divisionals in Berin. We had driven up to Berlin for the swim meet but also for sightseeing. So we got there on Thursday and we explored the city. On Friday we also explored some places. On Saturday, we had the swim meet. Our hotel was pretty close to the swim stadium so we didn't have to wake up at the crack of dawn to get there. We still had to wake up early though so no surprise there.

Big Sis, Aspen, Abby, Eva, and I all got ready for the meet while the parents got stuff ready and woke the rest of the kids up and got them ready for the day. Man, before every meet, I got nervous. But today, it was a whole other level of nervous. It felt like you had to go to the bathroom even though you just went and throw up at some times but others you felt like you had a whole colony of butterflies and moths in your body. I had a mix of all of those as we drove up to the stadium.

When we got there, we got checked in and we set up. This pool was so different from the others. The people were up top and there was a huge open space in the middle where you could see the pool. I liked it. But after we got in the water, it was different. As usual, it was freezing and my butt clenched in as soon as I hit the water. We did some laps and we did warm ups. We got out and my nervous-ness climbed. We started and after the first race that I did, I was just in the game. This happens every time. I am SOOO nervous on the diving blocks and as soon as I hit the water, my nervousness went away as my body slid under the water then broke through again and I went right into the stroke. I went up against Eva on 2 of my races and I went against Aspen on another.

I did some good strokes. I did a 50 meter free. A 200 meter IM. I also did a 50 meter butterfly. The IM was pretty trying but it was fun. The freestyle was good because Eva was right next to me so we were racing each other. That was very fun. The Butterfly was hard but good. It was very fun. It was great hearing Mom and Dad and all of our friends screaming and cheering us on. It was great!

I loved going up after my races and looking down, cheering on my teammates. I didn't like practice, like at all. But this meet was my most favorite. Looking at the older people race was fun and guessing who would win. And cheering on Eva and Aspen and Abby when they raced.

When we were all done, Mom and Dad said that we could get swim sweatshirts or jackets that we customized. I got a jacket that zipped and it had the divisionals sight on the back, the Germany flag on the arm, a cute saying on the other arm, and a swimmer in the butterfly stroke on the front. I love it so much.

After we were done with the meet, we went out for ICE CREAM! We went to a place that looked nice and had good reviews. Us swimmers sat at a table while the others sat at another. We all got a big one that tasted SOOOO good!!!! I loved it. We all talked and had fun.

I had a super fun time in Berlin and I was so glad that we went. I am also super thankful for my family. They cheered me on and I would never have gone without their support. I had a super fun time!

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