Tuesday, August 29, 2017

First Day of School

First Day of School!! The Elementary School started school a day before the Middle High School.  The kids got up super early, made their lunches and were ready to go.  The school is only about 3/4 mile from our tower, so we walk to school.  I push Little Monster in the stroller and Little Sis and M&M walk with me, or a little in front or behind because they found a friend to walk with.  Since pretty much everyone walks, the only issue we have is finding an elevator that isn't already full by the time it gets to our floor.  If I didn't have to take the stroller, the stairs would be significantly faster, but elevator waiting it is.

It's nice to see all our friends and meet new peeps as we walk to school.  Here is an adorable picture of my new 1st Grader:

And here is my 4th grader:

The Middle High School is in front of our tower and starts 30 minutes later then the Elementary School.  I walk the littles to the Elementary School and Big Sis meets me at the corner in front of her school on my walk back home.  It's really nice to get a walk in every morning.

Here are some pictures of my super cute 7th Grader:

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