Thursday, May 31, 2018

Okinawa: Churaumi Aquarium

Hello there. This is Big Sis and I am going to tell you guys all about me and my families adventure to the Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium. The Aquarium was so fun because we got to go with our friends, the Schwartz!

What got me and my siblings heads to prick up towards the idea of going to the aquarium was learning that this aquarium was the 2nd largest aquarium in the world. That fact really made us want to go to this aquarium.

The ride to the aquarium was right after we went to the waterfall, so it only took about 30 minutes to drive there. After parking and walking to the aquarium part of the whole amusement park, we bought our tickets, got in, and started to look round. The first think we saw was a tank filled with Sea Stars and Sea Slugs. When you hear the word "Sea Slug", you automatically think of a super big, slimy, and disgusting thing. But, that really isn't the case. Sea Slugs are big, yes, but they are actually very surprisingly super soft and very squishy. Yes, I touched one, and I thought it was the weirdest feeling ever.

After a couple minutes touching the Sea Stars and Sea Slugs, we continued to walk deeper into the Aquarium. The next exhibit was a very big tank. The tank held a very large section of coral plants and many sea animals. Their where so many different types of coral and sea creatures. The coral ranged between tiny purple seedlings to 3 foot long finger coral.

Then comes the animals. The animals ranged from a very tiny neon blue fish, that looked like Dory, from Finding Nemo, all the way to a 4 1/2 foot long eels. The eel was the most disgusting thing I have ever seen, and there were 2 of them! My favorite part of this specific tank was all the colors and the fish in there. It was so beautiful, except for the 2 giant eels. But, it was still super cool.

About 20 minutes later, we moved onto another tank that was a little bit bigger than the other tank. The tank also had a coral reef, but a few more interesting sea animals. The animals where still the same small fish, but instead of eels, there where giant fish the size of Little A. Dad found the fish first and started to call it "Jumbo". Dad also has some very good searching eyes and found a fish that had a straight up mustache. He started to call that fish "Mustache Marsh". I honestly have never seen a fish with a mustache before.

There was also a green sea turtle in the tank too. It wasn't that big, but it was super cool to still see a sea turtle for the first time in a very long time. It was also super cool how close it got towards us. We also saw many other very large sized fish and many more different colored coral. My favorite part of this tank was the turtle.

When we wanted to continue, we walked into a room that looked like a theater, but instead of a TV screen, we saw the tank which wad the home of the 2 whale sharks, 3 manta rays, 7 sting rays, 10 different types of sharks, dozens of huge fish, and a pod of those silver fish that you can only find in the open ocean. When we saw all the animals in the tank, we all flipped out. It was the coolest thing we have every seen.

Just before things couldn't get any better, we found out that 5 minutes later, the whale sharks where going to have "Feeding time". We really wanted to see "Feeding time", so we stayed to watch. The first thing that we saw where dead squid that where the sharks food that sank to the bottom of the tank where they had there feast. That was really disgusting in my opinion. The fish where feed something. I was really not sure what. Then the whale sharks where feed, I think, very large portions of fish, plankton, squid, and other things. The sharks would come over and simply open their mouth, and let everything be sucked into their mouths. Water and all (the water would shoot out of their gills afterwards!).

After watching the whales have their dinner, we started to keeping walking toward the next tanks. The tanks where the simple things such as jelly fish, crabs, lobsters, and many deep sea animals that where the strangest thing in the world. They looks absolutely disgusting! There was one tank that had the largest lobsters in the world(in my opinion)! The lobsters, from the top of their antenna to their very back feet, where the size of M&M's height from her toes to her head. There were very colorful and very gross.

After the very interesting, and disgusting tanks, we got to the end of the aquarium. There where more very interesting things to see and do at the end. There where many real and dead things to see such as a dead giant squid, a dead mega mouth shark(half of it was dissected so you could see the inner insides of the shark), dead deep sea animals in jars, a whales tooth(baleen is the proper word for a whales tooth), and a dead Basking shark head that was decapitated from its body. Even though some of this stuff sound not that good, it was actually pretty cool.

After we where done with the aquarium, we bought our magnet that we will add to our collection, and we headed home. I loved the Aquarium so much!

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