Sunday, August 5, 2018

Seoul LDS Temple & Sunday Sewing with Grandma

We went to the Seoul LDS Temple with my mom and dad on Saturday.  It's a beautiful temple and Kevin and I had exactly two male and two female names to take to the temple!

The first Saturday of the month is the only day that they have a session in English and Kevin and I had been planning on attending the temple even before we found out mom and dad were coming.  I was super happy that they were totally good with the idea of still going!  I don't know the last time I went to the temple with my parents, so it was super special to be able to be there with them!  I'm also glad we were able to show them their first temple overseas!

On Sunday, we all went to church!  It was so fun to show my mom and dad off and to show them our building and where we went to church!

I completely forgot that Emily had the talk for primary that day, so I pulled Emily out of Sunday school for a few minutes to remind her and to help her set up a talk real quick.  Mom was right there helping us!

When we got home from church, my girls asked if mom would teach them how to sew a pillowcase.  They both really wanted to do something with just grandma.  So Mom took Big Sis first and she taught her how to make a pillow case.

Big Sis made her own quilt earlier this year, so they made a pillow case to match her quilt.  It was fun seeing them work together on this project.  I know that Big Sis will treasure not only her pillowcase that she made with grandma, but the time that they spent together,  just her and grandma.

When Big Sis was done, M&M quickly jumped up and wanted her turn with grandma.  M&M is new to sewing, so I also helped with the pillowcase making.

The three of us worked together and M&M learned how to sew and pin and iron a sewing project!
Grandma was an amazing teacher, she was super patient with her, but also had M&M do everything on her own!

M&M was super excited about her beautiful pillowcase and the memory that came with it!

While we were all working together on sewing and pillowcases, Little A was playing cards and games with grandpa.  Little A had the biggest smile on her face and we kept hearing cute giggles and laughs from the room they were in.

All the kids loved their time they got to spend and learn from grandma and grandpa today!  I know I really appreciate the time they spent with them!  This is definitely one of the cons to living so very far away! Once all the pillowcases were finished, we all spent the rest of the evening playing games!  It was a really great Sunday!!

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