Monday, August 27, 2018

First Day of School

Today was the first day of school for all three of my girls!  Little A had a very important doctor appointment at Ajou Hospital this morning, so I was not able to get pictures in the morning of all the kids, and I was not able to walk them to school.  I was defiantly having mom guilt, so I set up Big Sis to walk with a friend to school, and for M&M to go with our neighbor! To make the day even more sad, it was pouring rain all day.

It was about 12:00 when I finally got Little A to school.  Since I had to explain why we were late, and since we were lucky enough to come during her lunch time, the teacher came to the office and I was able to meet her and she walked Little A to her class.  Little A was so excited to start 2nd Grade!

I picked up M&M and Little A after school.  It was still raining, but I was able to get first day of school pictures outside the school.

Here is my big 5th grader strutting her stuff.

And here is my brave 2nd Grader!

After Big Sis got home, I was able to snap a picture of her.  She's in 8th Grade this year!  I feel so old!  When did she get so big?  She wasn't very happy with the picture because she had been rained on and the lighting was bad, but it's better then nothing.

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