Friday, March 1, 2019

Singapore Airline Celebrates Heather's Birthday

About 6 months ago a group of friends decided we would all go on an Asian Cruise together.  We did our research, found a good cruise line with good ports, and we all made the plunge and bought our cruise tickets.  Kevin had an exercise scheduled up until the day before the cruise, so I bought plane tickets for me and the kids on the Friday before the cruise so we could have a few extra days in Singapore.  Friday fell on my birthday, March first.  We took an ITT bus up to the airport so Kevin could drive the car and park it at the airport for our return (we got the same flight home).  I was lucky enough that Monster slept the entire bus ride to the airport.  That was birthday present number one.

Our flight was the same flight as the Schwartz, but they were driving up to the airport, we figured we would see them either at the gate or on the plane.  But, right after we checked in, we turned around and there they were, birthday gift number two. Monster was so extremely happy to see his best friend.  He stopped complaining and went from grouchy to super happy in 2 seconds.

We made our way to our gate and right before our gate we see a Krispy Kreme Donut shop with adorable heart donuts.  Right after Krispy Kreme, there was a kid's play area, so we found seats right by the play area, left Monster and Rhett to play and Corianne and I went and got donuts.  Birthday gift number three.

After eating our delicious donuts, we noticed that at our gate there was a huge party going on.  Stewardesses are taking pictures with people, there was a gigantic food table and music.  We go over and find out this is the first plane ride for this particular plane from Korea to Singapore and it was being celebrated with a party, but we all knew the truth: Singapore Airlines knew it was my birthday, so they were putting on a plane-wide party for me.  We spent the remaining time taking pictures, eating delicious foods and listening to some Korean music.  It was a pretty spectacular birthday party.  Birthday gift number four.

The plane was a new and beautiful plane.  All the kids had screens and they were given toys and headphones.  The Schwartz were seated right in front of us, so Monster was happy the entire time.  The food was delicious on the plane, the service was exceptional, and the entertainment was perfect.  Birthday gift number five.  I would say Singapore Airlines definitely knows how to make a girl happy on her birthday.  

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