Saturday, August 31, 2019

Bernkastel-Kues Firework festival

Hi! This is M&M here and I am going to tell you about my experience at the Bernkastel-Kues and firework festival. It started when Mom and Dad decided that they wanted to go to the firework festival with friends. So we all piled in the car and we drove the 2 hours to get there. We drove and couldn't find a parking spot, so we drove a little ways off and found a parking spot. We then walked and walked and walked. When we got there, there was already a lot of people, so we had to search for our friends. Then we finally met up with our friends at the festival.

The festival was smack in the middle of town. It had a river at one side, a carnival at the other, a town across the bridge, and the castle on the other side, up the hill.

The older kids including Big sis, our friends, and myself wanted to go into town. So we asked the parents and they said yes. So we all headed into town and we got to explore.

We bought some grape juice, gelato, and we had fun talking and enjoying each others company. The village was super cute and cool. We went in this cool store that had weird drinks on these weird tap things.

While we were out having fun in town, the parents had fun talking, watching the kids, and checking out the carnival. Mom and Dad said they took all the littles to ride the carnival rides.

When we all got back, the parents and the little wanted to go into town. So we did a location swap and we stayed at the carnival and the parents and the littles went to town. Dad brought the wagon so Monster and Little A didn't have to walk.

While they were walking around they saw a huge tractor and the people let Monster sit in the tractor.  He really loved it.  There was also a small playground in the middle of town by a fountain with bears (not real of course) that he enjoyed also.

They got dinner and after trying the grape juice that we bought, brought back a few more bottles. Mom and Dad said they loved the cute little German Village.  They loved seeing the castle that was up the hill.  All the food was in the streets in stalls, and they just walked around and picked a few things that looked good.

The village centre had these neat little houses.  Mom said she liked them the best.  The thing that Dad really loved to see was the grape vines all over the hills.  He kept saying how neat they looked just covering the entire hillside and how it reminded him of California. 

After eating some dinner, the olders really wanted to go on some carnival rides, so the parents let us have 5 Euros each and we went on some carnival rides. We went on a fun barrel ride and had a BLAST on it. Dad only gave us enough money to go on it so we said bye to our friends and headed back to the parents. The other kids continued on riding rides while we had fun talking with the parents and enjoying the scenery. After the other kids got back, we all sat down and waited for the fireworks to start. And just as luck would have it, it started to rain, then storm, then have high winds, then THUNDER!!!!! We all had really wanted to see the fireworks, especially Mom, but we were all soaking wet and we were cold too. So we packed up our stuff and left. After packing up the car in monsoon-like weather, we got in the car. We were all really disappointed when we drove home, but we were able to see little fireworks in the distance from another city, Trier. We then found out the next day that they still did fireworks. But they only got in like 2 before they stopped. We still had a fun time with friends and were glad we still went.

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