Friday, August 2, 2019

GartenCheu, Dinosaur Park

It was a beautiful summer day so we decided to go on an outing with the Lunds to GartenCheu in Kaiserslautern.  The kids all call this the Dinosaur Park because there are large dinosaurs all over the park.  GartenCheu is like a come all and do all type of park.  There are playgrounds, trails, a small skate park, slides, swings, ice cream, a stream and more.  We spent a few hours just hanging out and letting the kids have fun.

The huge tunnel slide was one of the favorites.  At first Monster was scared to go up the different ladders to the top.  When Kevin took him up, he was quite a mess.  He went down only one time and declared that it was too scary.  Luckily, there was a much smaller slide close to the tunnel that Monster slid down over and over again.  He enjoyed the ability to go up the slope and stairs on his own and being able to go down the slide as many times as he wanted.

A favorite for Little A was the ropes course.  She and the Lund kids tried to go from the beginning all the way to the end.  There were a few tricky spots that required her to reach a little further then her arms could go, so with just a little help she made it all the way around the course.

There were multiple swing sets and the kids had a blast running from one to another.  There was a nest type swing on one of the sets that the kids decided to try out.  One of the kids got swung in circles and ended up getting motion sick, needless to say, they didn't go back to the nest.

The parents found a few seats to rest in while the kids found a stream.  The shoes got thrown off and little toes found the rush of wet sand and cool water.  The absolutely loved getting their feet wet and playing in the water.  Rocks were collected, shorts got wet and fingers got dirty, but smiles were all around and the kids were entertained for a really long time.  

On the walk out of GartenCheu, there is a lego museum right before you exit.  We took some time to walk through the museum.  It was so neat seeing all the lego buildings and cities. Most of the buildings in the museum were popular European churches and buildings.  Monster wanted to play with all the cars and people.  Luckily in the middle of the museum was a lego play area, so he was able to play and create while we admired.

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