Monday, August 26, 2019

First Day of School in Germany

The first day of school came quick this year.  Since we live a ways away from the school the girls will be riding the bus for the first time in their lives.  We had to register them with the bus office and get bus passes.  The night before school started, I was talking to some parents about the bus passes and they helped me see that Little A was given the wrong bus pass.  They had her going to the wrong bus and the wrong school.  It was a little tender mercy from the Lord that this was caught in time.  Poor Little A would have been lost and scared and she wouldn't have asked for help and it could have been so very bad.  But, Luckily this was caught just in the nick of time.  The High School and Middle School are on the same base, so Big Sis and M&M take the same bus to school.  The Elementary School is on a different base, so Little A is on a bus all by herself.

So the morning of the first day of school, Monster and I walked Big Sis and M&M to the bus stop while Kevin took Little A to school and stopped at the bus office to get her bus pass sorted out.

 We have a short and beautiful walk to the bus stop.  We walk down a hill and have a great view of the forest and sky.  I just can't get over how cute the German houses are.  The girls were nervous, scared and excited.

 We scouted out the bus stop the day before, because there are a few bus stops that are close to our house. The way it works here, is that the kids wait at a normal local bus stop and wait for the correct bus number.  Across the street is a bus stop for the German children going to the German school.  We got to the bus stop with a few minutes to spare.  Big Sis's nerves were really beginning to churn her stomach.  In nine years, she hasn't even ridden on a school bus to school.  You can see just how nervous she was as she waved good bye and just like that they were swept off to school.

Since Kevin got Little A's bus pass situated, she was able to ride the bus home.  Monster, Bailey and I waited for her and picked her up at the bus stop.  She came bouncing off the bus excited to tell me all about her awesome teacher and her first great day of school.

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