Thursday, April 23, 2020

A 'Rona Hike to Rapunzel's Tower

Because of the Coronavirus, the current law restricts travel to 30 km from our place of residence.  We found a really neat hike in Kaiserslautern, just 23 km from our house.  We called it the Rapunzel Tower hike, because when the kids saw a picture of the tower, they said it must be her tower because it looks just like it.  Finding parking was super easy because there is an open parking lot right next to the trail head.  The hike was labeled ingeniously by painting a picture of the tower on trees to show the correct direction.  It was a beautiful day and perfect weather for hiking.  At the start of the hike in the shade of the trees, Monster was cold, so I gave him my running sweater, and he wore it like a dress, but was happy to be warm.

It only took us about 40 minutes to hike through the forest to get to the tower.  The trail was super beautiful was birds chirping everywhere.  The path was easy for all the kids.  It was an incline the entire hike, but since the kids knew it was only about 30 minutes, they didn't complain.  One crazy thing that we saw on the hike was a huge hole.  The older girls called it a crater, but it looked more like a sink hole.  It was huge and a tree was growing right in the middle of the hole.  Maybe it was an old bombed out section that grew back over all these years, who knows.

The tower just pops right out of the middle of the forest, literally in the middle of nowhere.  We were all surprised when it just suddenly came into view.  The kids all ran to the tower, excited to explore.  We had packed a picnic lunch, and it was almost 1:00 and the kids were pretty hungry.  We all decided it would be better to eat lunch, then walk up to the top of the tower.

After filling our tummies with sandwiches, veggies, fruit and pastries from our local bakery (which Kevin and the two older girls picked out right before we left), the kids and I went to explore the tower.  We found out that the tower is actually called Humbergturm and is 118 feet tall with 130 steps.  It was built in 1899 as an observation tower.  This same tower was used in the first World War as an air traffic observation tower and an air communication squad was stationed here.

We took the spiral staircase up the tower to the very top observation deck.  Originally the plan was that I would take Big Sis and Little A, then Kevin would take M&M and Monster.  Little A was a little scared of the stairs since they were super skinny on the inside and just went on forever.  There wasn't any light in the stairwell, the only light was from a few windows every few flights of stairs.

We made it to the top and were rewarded with a spectacular view of Kaiserslautern.  The top of the tower just wrapped around in a small circle all the way around the tower, giving us a full view of everything around us.  As Big Sis and I were enjoying the view, Little A walks around and had a super confused look on her face.  After asking her what's wrong, she expressed her concern that there isn't a room up here, and there isn't any place to stay warm.  She asked how Rapunzel was able to get things done and make food and sleep since there wasn't a bedroom.  I had to explain to her that it really wasn't Rapunzels Tower, we just called it that because it looked like it.  She nods her head and says, "I understand mom, but I think you are wrong.  I think this was her tower, maybe the room is in a secret place so people can't steal her hair." What a cutie.  We start walking down the staircase and start hearing the loud voices of M&M and Monster.  We meet up with them and M&M says that Kevin wants us all at the top so he can get a picture.  So, we walk back up to the top.  The kids and I look over the railing at Kevin, who is way way way down below and a super small dot, so he can take a picture.  You can barely see us in the picture looking out over the edge.  We then very carefully make our way down.  Big Sis holds Little A's hand, and I hold Monster's hand.

After we get back down the tower, we all spend about an hour playing in the open space in front of the tower.  The kids brought a frisbee and a bullet ball to throw around.  We enjoy the vitamin D from the sun rays and each other's company.  After the kids are tired, we sit back down on the blanket and read a little bit of Harry Potter.  It was an amazingly beautiful and relaxing afternoon.

We packed up our bags, and made the hike back to the car.  The hike down was faster, with all the girls jumping on rocks and talking excitedly as they walked down the path.  It was so green and alive in the forest, and Kevin and I just smiled and we walked hand in hand watching the kids as they joyfully walked together.

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