Monday, April 13, 2020

Teaching Monster to Ride a Bike with the Time 'Rona Has Given Us

Since we have been blessed with all this time at home, Monster wasn't on the tow bar very long.  He quickly transitioned to biking on his own. Each time he was on the tail-gator he kept asking if he could go on his own.  We actually had the time, so we couldn't use that excuse, so we told him the next time we go out bike riding, we will let him off the tail-gator.

So, as promised, the next time we went out we took Monster off the tow bar to see if he could get the hang of riding his bike on his own.  The girls all stayed together and rode around on the trail, while Kevin and I helped Monster and helped him learn to ride on his own.  Since he had a little strider bike and has been a pro at that since he was 2 years old, it only took a few times with us holding onto the back of his bike before he took off on his own.  He was so proud of himself. We first started him off on a bike that was a little too big for him.  He could ride fine, but he couldn't stop on his own.  So, we tried his smaller bike and he was able to stop all on his own, we are still working on getting him to start the bike on his own.  It's a work in progress. All he needs is a light push and he is off.

It is so fun to watch him ride his bike all on his own.  It is so adorable seeing his tiny legs just pedalling as fast as they can go to keep up with everyone.  To make it enjoyable for everyone, we usually ride to the trail with him on the tail-gator, then on a flat section, we let him loose for about 1-2 miles until he is tired.  Then we attach him back to Kevin's bike and we continue as a family for a few more miles.  It is so wonderful to get out of the house.  It is wonderful to feel the air on our faces and to get some exercise as a family.  We sure have loved our weekly bike rides.

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