Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Finding Family Joy in Service during COVID Quarantine

This is Little A and we made masks for people.  The masks were purple.  What I did was cut the fabric and poked out the corners.  We made them because hospitals are running out of masks.  I had a great day.  For Come Follow Me, King Benjamin said if we serve others we are serving God.  I felt really really happy serving others and serving God.

This is Heather and I just wanted to add a little bit more to what Little A said.  I found out that there was a shortage of masks and material and a call was made out that anyone who is able to sew to help sew masks.  They needed the masks in about 3 days, and a nonprofit organisation would provide all the material, they just needed sewers.  Since I have two sewing machines and three girls in my house that can sew, we took on the challenge.  Everyone in the family wanted to help, so we took an entire day to make 40 purple masks.

Kevin had the day off, so he even sat down and helped.  He and Little A cut the material, I pinned the masks together, Big Sis and M&M sewed the masks together, while Little A would poke out the covers and turn them inside out.  I would then jump over to the iron and Big Sis would help me iron the pleats, then M&M would top sew the entire thing.  With everyone helping, we were a machine.  It was great to serve as a family.

We have been trying to think of small ways to serve those that are around us, but still keep the social distance rules and laws.  Another project that we did to help others know they are loved, is make them a little treat and drop it off on their door steps.  I'm going to let Little A continue with her story of service.  This is Little A and me and my family made COVID Monsters.  We made them to serve others.  We made them out of toilet paper rolls and we painted them.  I painted mine yellow, blue, purple, and red.  

Then we let them dry and then put eyes, mouth and hands on them and we got bags to put candy in.  We put lots and lots of candy in them and we put the bags in the monsters.  

We made cards for our friends, we wrote in the cards, "Hi guys, we hope you're making it through the Corona Monster well.  We miss you guys."  We had a good time seeing our friends from the car.  I had a good day.

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