Monday, August 14, 2017

HHG Arrived!! Christmas in August!

We got an e-mail last week saying our HHG (house hold goods) arrived and are ready for delivery!! We were super bummed because we could have already gotten the stuff, except it got flagged for customs and we had to wait until customs could meet us and check out a box.  You see, Big Sis and M&M have bows and arrows.  When the packers put the bows and arrows in a box, they just labeled the invoice and box as "bows and arrows".  Since those are consider a weapon, we got red flagged and customs had to open the box and decide weather it was a weapon or a child's toy.  Both girls cried all night.

Around 8:00 I got a knock on the door from the movers.  I first went down to verify that all the crates were still sealed and watch them open them and count to make sure all were accounted for.  I then met with the customs officers.  The officers would wait in their car, and then be called up once the alleged box appeared.

Since we are on the back side of the towers, our possessions arrived via a lift through the balcony door.  The girls were so excited when they saw that we get to be one of the people that get our stuff deliver this way.  It is significantly faster then the elevator, especially since one of the elevators were broken!  The kids would run out to the balcony while the stuff was being loaded, then watch it being lifted up.  As the movers unloaded the lift, they would run inside.

The time came that the beloved box arrived with the bows and arrows.  Both girls were circling it like vultures.  The customs came up and unwrapped the box, and sat speaking to one another in Korean.  Big Sis and M&M stood staring at their bows holding each other's hand tightly with tears brimming in their eyes.  The customs officer took me aside and the girls followed peaking around the corner.  I was informed that since they belonged to the girls we can keep them and they will label them as toys. Big Sis and M&M jump out and start hugging each other and jumped up and down.  The officer left smiling.

Luckily, I spent months organizing and dejunking our last house, so the move went rather quickly!  They had the entire truck unloaded by 12:00.  The movers took an hour lunch break, then came back and assembled all the furniture.  I also had them unload the majority of the boxes, so I wouldn't be left with a ton of paper and boxes.

They also unwrapped all the items that had been wrapped in brown padded paper.

By the time they left, about 4:30, the house was in pretty good shape!!  All the rooms were set up with only a few boxes left in each room!

This was seriously the best day ever!  It was like Christmas in August.  It was so wonderful to sleep in my own bed!  It was amazing to sit on our super comfortable couches!  It was fabulous to have more clothes to choose from!  Such a wonderful day!

Going without our stuff for so long made me realize just how much we have that we don't really need.  It made me realize just how little we could survive on and be happy.  But on the other hand, it is so nice to finally feel at home.  To have our stuff, and the extra frills in life.

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