Saturday, October 14, 2017

A Tribute to Annetta Hodson De La Cerda

Our dear sweet Annetta died on September 28, 2017 suddenly in a car accident.  Kevin and I considered Annetta a daughter and the kids considered her a best friend and family!  Annetta lived with us for the better part of last year while we lived in San Antonio.  She was funny, sassy, salty, spicy, messy, oh so very messy, mature beyond her years, loving, crazy, bubbly, Christ-like, and so very young.

She moved in with us and was in the process of trying to find a job.  We helped tweak her resume to make it look professional, and let her use the car and computer to drive to all her application drop-offs and interviews.  We helped Annetta get her very first job- Kneaders.  We knew the owner and put in a super high recommendation for her.  Annetta ate with us, laughed with us, and cried with us.

We had Christmas together and Annetta and I stayed up way later then we should have watching those sappy Hallmark Christmas movies!  Kevin would lose interest or be studying, and she was always faithfully there by my side bouncy in her seat to see the movies with me.  We would cry at all the appropriate times, and shove each other when we would spy the other crying.

We had countless hours of staying up late talking about her old boyfriends, possible new boyfriends, mission preparations, temple preparations, church and life.  Kevin and I had the opotunity to really get to know the Annetta that not a lot of people knew.  I knew her at her worst of times and her best of times.  I could tell when she was holding back, or pushing herself more then she should.  I knew when her depression was strangling her, and I knew when she was holding the Lord's hand and trusting him.  Oh how I love Annetta!  I miss her!

At moments like this, a person can go two different ways.  First, it would be easy to let the foundation under me start to shake, to question God and to question why he would let this happen to such a young girl.  Or second, to accept God's will.  To know he has a plan for Annetta, and that her leaving this life was the best thing for her and possibly what needed to happen to further his work in the lives of some people that know her. To know, truly KNOW that there is a life after this one, and to take comfort in that knowledge that we will see and hug and be reunited with our crazy Annetta.

To the cyber world out there- I know this!  I have a deep testimony that our Father in Heaven loves each and every one of us.  He has our best interests in hand, he knows the desires of our hearts.  I know that we all struggle with problems and issues in this life, and I know Annetta had many.  I know that he loved Annetta enough to let her live her dreams and desires of her heart, and the only way he could do that, was by letting her be done with her time on this earth.  She is now exactly where she wants to be, doing what she desired so deeply.  I know I will see Annetta again, and I know that only God and Annetta truly appreciate the relationship I had with her.  I mourn as if I lost my own daughter, because she was just that.  She is my daughter and my sister in Christ.  Annetta was one of the strongest missionaries I know.  She truly walked with Christ in her countenance.

I went to San Antonio for her funeral.  It was one of the hardest things I've ever done.  It bugged me so much when people would say, "it's so nice you came".  I just wanted to scream at them- "You moron!  She was my daughter too". I was never given a hug of mourning, I was forgotten.  I was passed by as if I was just another bystander.  I did what I went to do, to help her family as only I knew I could because I was mourning on the inside while being strong on the outside for everyone.  Shoot, now I've made this all about me.  It's not about me.  It's about something so much bigger!  It's about Heavenly Father, or God as some call him.  I like saying Heavenly Father, because it's more personal, He is more personal!  He knows me.  He loves me.  I am his daughter.  I am a child of God. I am here on this earth to prove my integrity, to go through this mortal trial and to prove myself through the trials of temptations and sin and repentance.  I am here, just as you are here, to find joy.  I am here to rise about the World, and to knock Satan in the teeth and to be better.  I am here, so I can move on from this short life and be found worthy and to be resurrected to become like my Father in Heaven!  To live with him and my family, eternally.  Annetta was family, and families can be together forever!  Did you know that?  They can!  By the power of the priesthood, which is the power of Heavenly Father, my family has been sealed for all time and eternity.  A sealing that surpasses, 'death do us part'.  It's the most comforting thing and joyous thing I have in the Earth, this knowledge.  To know that no matter what happens, my family is with me always, as long as I am worthy of them.

So to the world, I just want you to know that the world is now short one amazing girl, but the heavens gained an amazing asset!  She is out helping to teach the gospel on the other side and probably this side too!  Her presence can still be felt.  She is everywhere- in the little spiky balls that got stuck in her sister's hair, in the Minion movie and all Hallmark movies, she is in bad days with mean salty people, she is in every mission call, she is in the temple and every volunteer opportunity with children with disabilities, she is in the messiest of rooms, and the dirtiest of cars.  She is in my heart and soul and I am excited to see her one day.  Cheers to Annetta Hodson De La Certa!

The best part about going back to the States was seeing great friends and my mom!  When my mom found out I would be in the States, we tried to figure out a way to meet up.  In the end, my mom flew to San Antonio and we rented an Airbnb and stayed there a few days.  We were able to go shopping, go to the temple, and also have a marvel movie marathon!  It was great to spend some one on one down time with my mom.

I also stayed with Krista!  She is amazing and we consider her family.  I was able to take her daughter out on a lunch date, and eat some amazing food at BurgerFi.  Oh, how I miss BurgerFi!  We also stayed up super late playing games.  It was amazing being able to spend so much time with Krista and her family.

I also set up time to see my San Antonio peeps.  I was able to meet up with Shauna Fisher, Charity Reno, Ashley Hall, Roshana Popham, Becky Robertson, and Nicole Steadman.  I also stopped and saw my amazing neighbor Angie Lopez and her super cute family!  If it wasn't for Alyssa Hunsaker, I wouldn't have been able to go to the funeral, see my friends or my mom.  Alyssa let me use her car the entire time I was there.  Thank you Alyssa!   I was also able to meet up and visit with Alyssa, Morgan Wilcoxson and Tashina Stoker as we practice the song "A Window to His Love", which we sang at Annetta's funeral.  I also met up with Christy Kauer who so kindly made room for me in her schedule so I can get my hair cut, and Jason Neill stopped by, so I was ale to see him too. I was also able to spend time with Annetta's mom Christine.  It was so wonderful to see her and talk to her and hear the great things she had to say about Netta and different things she said about the kids or our family.

I ended my trip by going to Del Rio with my bestie, Julie Blumenkrantz!  After the funeral and luncheon, I went with Julie back to her place.  We hung out, went shopping, ate real Mexican food, toured her new house, and enjoyed our time together. It was super sweet of her to drive me all the way to her place, then two days later drive me all the way back to San Antonio so I can catch my flight home. That's a true blue best friend right there.

It was a hard trip, and some moments were horrible, but most of them were wonderful because I was surrounded by family!


  1. What a wonderful tribute to a wonderful young woman

  2. If you go to you tube Our Annetta you will see we thought she was pretty special. I wish I had a lot more time with her but it wasn't to be Glad she had you and your family. Grandma Hodson.
