Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Halloween in Korea at the Towers

Halloween is not a holiday that is celebrated in Korea.  Since we live on base and in the towers, we still were able to celebrate Halloween the American way.  Our floor decided to have a potluck dinner before the designated 6-8pm trick-or-treating time. We all met in the common area outside the elevators around 5:00.

There was so much food and all of it was delicious.  Everyone from our floor came out to visit, eat, and mingle. It was great to get to know my neighbors even better.  All the kids sat by the elevator.  It was so fun to see all the kids together dressed up in their costumes.

When it got close to 6:00, we had everyone clean up and bring out their candy.  Instead of going door to door, we put all our candy dishes out on one table.  There were 8 large bowls filled with candy.  As the kids came off the stairs, they would just line up and take a candy from each of the bowls.  The kids were so cute and all of them were extremely polite.  The kids were also very respectful and pretty much all of them just took one candy from each bowl.  All the bowls stayed filled until the very end!  Our floor had enough candy for all the kids that came trick-or-treating.

I stayed with the candy to help keep order while Kevin took the kids trick-or treating.  The elevators were backed up due to all the kids, so he took the kids on the stairs.  The went up to the top floor and then took the stairs down each floor.  All the floors set up their trick-or-treating in the general area just like our floor.  Some people sat in chairs around the common area and handed out candy and some had tables out like ours.  There were also a few floors that set up haunted halls for the kids to walk through.

We have some friend that live on the 2nd floor and when they saw Little Monster, they kept calling him over and dumping candy in his bucket.  Of course Kevin, with his dental background, doesn't want too much candy, so he was trying to get Monster away, and they kept getting him to walk back to them.

When the kids were done on the first floor, they waited for the elevator to take back to our floor.  It stopped on the 2nd floor and when the doors opened and our friends saw who was in the elevator, they started chucking candy at Kevin and the kids! They threw handful after handful of candy until the elevator door closed.  When the kids stepped off the elevator to our floor, they were still laughing.

When we got everything cleaned up and got back in the house, the kids all proclaimed that this was their best Halloween ever!  They ended up having more candy then the last three years combined, and it was all the good stuff.  They had piles and piles of the best Halloween candy.  I didn't even have to throw away a single piece of candy this year.

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