Saturday, October 28, 2017

Church Halloween Party

Our church had a Halloween Party and Kevin volunteered to be in charge.  He volunteered a good month before the event was to happen.  After that time, the base made plans and ended up having an event the same time as our party, so it was decided to cancel the Branch Party.  A week before the base wide Halloween Party, signs were posted that the base Halloween party was being canceled because the Korean town which we live in- Pyeongtaek, was hosting a Halloween Party the same time as the base party and was to be held at the Songtan Entertainment District (SED) right outside the gate.  The base wants to build their community relationship, so they cancelled all base ran Halloween events and encourage people to support the community.

With a week to go, it was decided that the Branch Halloween party was back on.  Let's talk about one of the busiest and most stressful weeks ever.  Luckily, Holly Rust came to the rescue and co-teamed it with me.  Together we came up with a bunch of Carnival Games that we wanted at the party.  We decided to make it a chili cook-off and with the limited amount of time, we just asked that everyone bring chili and corn bread.  Kevin designed a flier and we had it printed up.  I e-mailed everyone, posted the invite on Facebook, and had Big Sis and M&M and Holly's oldest boy take the fliers to all the families on base, front door service style.  We knew that the key to a successful party is attendance.

I called out for help and got so much help with making the signs, games, decorating, and making games.  When the day arrived, we had plenty people come and help put up decorations.  The pavilion looked amazing, thanks to Holly and her amazing decorations.

The carnival was all set up and included games such as:

Ghouls and Goblin toss,

Make a Mummy,

Ping Pong Pumpkin,

Face Painting,

Candy Corn Throw,

Ghost Busters,

Tombstone throw,

Pin the Nose on the Pumpkin, Poke a Pumpkin,

and Guess How Many!

The youth stepped up and ran all the carnival games while the littles played for about 45 min.  Holly stepped up even more and went above and beyond and had prizes for the kids!  While the kids were playing, parents were bringing food, setting up and socializing.

Dinner was amazing.  There were so many chili's to choose from and they were all delicious.  Each person was given three dry beans to put in a cup in front of the chili they thought was the best.  We were having a true chili cook-off to find the best chili maker.  There was a chili that had sweet potatoes in it that was so amazing.  There was another one that had pineapple, that one got my vote! The cornbread was also so very delicious.  The Branch really stepped up and brought more then enough food.  A lot of people also brought friends.  It was a great and successful night.

Kevin dressed up as a knight, I was a queen, Big Sis was Luna Lovegood, M&M was a unicorn, Little A was Jasmin and Monster was a dragon!

This party would not have been successful if it hadn't been for Holly and all the other ladies that helped out.  It really was a great night.  We ended the party with a trunk-or-treat.  All the kids were able to go around and trick-or-treat at all the car trunks.  Our kids ended up with more candy then any other trunk-or-treat they had participated in.  We really have an amazing church here.  Everyone stayed and helped to clean up too.  We never had a set up or clean up crew, but we had more then enough people there helping.  Happy Halloween!!

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