Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Cafe CF

Kevin and I were super excited about this little gem that we found in the SED!  Cafe CF is on the second story of a building like all other restaurants in the SED.  There is one small dark door leading to a stairway to the Cafe on the second story.  If you don't know what you are looking for, you pass right by the door.  In fact, we have passed by Cafe CF so many times and have never seen it!

Our favorite date is to grab a card game and go to a cafe.  We love trying out the different drinks, desserts and especially love the ambiance of cafes.  What caught our attention was the small signs that were in front of the cafe doors.  There were three small signs that had some amazing looking desserts.

When we got up the stairs, I knew immediately that I found our new favorite location and date spot! The cafe is set up in a very romantic style.  There are private booths in the corner and candles all around.

We sat in the last booth and it felt as if we were the only ones in the cafe.  There is quiet music playing and the menus are so chic.

We ordered a mint oreo sundae.  It was seriously the best sundae we have both ever had.

Usually we only get one dessert and share it, but Cafe CF requires that each person purchase a drink.  I love sharing everything with Kevin, but it was awesome to be able to eat my entire dessert and not share it. So Delicious!

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