Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Hawaii Day 2 (Part 2): Pali Lookout & Maunawili Falls

We check out of the hotel (bye-bye rooster) load up the car and drive to Pali Lookout.

 There are still clouds looming, but we were still able to see a beautiful Hawaii.

Our last stop for the day was to the Maunawili Falls hike!  Kevin and I love hiking and being outdoors and having adventures! Kevin had broke his water shoes earlier that morning while kayaking, so all he had were some flip flops.  I looked the hike up on my phone and it said it was a short hike, and some people do it barefoot.  We decided flip flops should be OK.

After walking for only 10 minutes, we realized flip flops were going to be nearly impossible.  But, as with our motto for the day, we had already started, so we were going to finish this short hike.  It ended up not being short, at all.  It took us a few hours because the ground was completely and totally a muddy, slippery mess.  Tree roots stuck up along with rocks and dirty nasty water.  Since flip flops have zero traction, Kevin was slipping, sliding and falling with every step.

I could tell he was uncomfortable and I was seriously feeling super bad for him!  He didn't want to take his shoes off and go barefoot, because there were huge signs posted everywhere that bacteria was present in the water.

Despite the lack of proper footwear, the terrain was so beautiful!  The changing of the scenery and the lush trees made it well worth the trip!

We saw crazy trees,

bubbling streams,

and beautiful look-out points.

We got to the waterfall and were able to get in the water for a very quick picture.

The water was very chilly, so we opted not to swim.

The hike back seemed to be a little easier, since we knew exactly what to expect.  At one point on the walk down though, Kevin slipped in a puddle, completely lost his shoe and took me down with him.

We were covered in mud! Completely covered in mud!

We get back to the car and lay down grocery bags to try to keep the rental car from taking some of our mud.

For the remainder of our trip we are staying in an Airbnb by Wakiki Beach.  It was super embarrassing to have to check in wet and covered in mud.  I'm just grateful they still let us check in.  The bums on the beach looked cleaner then we were!

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