Friday, January 26, 2018

Hawaii Day 6 (Part 1): Diamond Head Hike

So on our final day, after waterfalls, cut feet, hikes, kayaking, sunrises and sunsets, luaus and fun, we wrapped up our final day with a jam packed day of awesomeness. We woke up early (which is what we did everyday we were there) and drove over to Diamond Head National Park. Now you are probably asking, "if you are on vacation, why do you wake up so early to start your activities?"

Hawaii is packed, and these areas such as Hanuwa Bay and Diamond Head national park have parking lots that only fit a small amount of cars. So if you want to get there to do what you wanted too, you need to start early and beat the traffic. We started the morning at Diamond Head, a trail head that takes you on a small few mile hike to the top of the mountain.

Like most hikes in Hawaii, it starts off rather easy, but then you hit the ascent and climb climb climb. The best part though was seeing all the older people doing the hike, so if you get tired you just have to remind yourself of the 80 year old that is coming up on your tail!

The morning was beautiful, the hike took us a little over 2 hours up and an hour or so to get back down, and as you can see, the views were spectacular! You can see the whole west side of the island from the top, making you appreciate all the beauty of the island, and just how packed it really is.

We were so glad we went early too, since when we finally pulled out of the parking lot there were hundreds of cars waiting to get in so they could do the hike too. It was awesome.

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