Thursday, January 25, 2018

Hawaii Day 4 (Part 2): Spitting Caves & Polynesian Cultural Center

Someone told me to stop at the spitting caves while in Hawaii, so our next stop was to find said caves.  I was able to find a location in google maps, so off we went in search of a cave that spits.  Google maps lead up to a rich subdivisions cul-de-sac.  I was disappointed because it looked like we were lead astray.  I kept studying the maps to try to figure out where we took a wrong turn.  As we went around the cul-de-sac a second time, and right when we decided we wouldn't be seeing the spitting caves today, I notices a narrow trail between two houses.  We didn't notice it before because the house to the right of the trail is begin built, and is surrounded by port-a-potties, large machinery and a big dumpster blocking the trail.

We went down the narrow trail, wondering the entire time if this was the correct way and if we were trespassing.  We figured we would see where the trail lead.  The trail opened up to the ocean!

The ocean was as far as the eye could see.  The houses were built on a cliff of rocks.  We were able to walk around the rocks.  Kevin is very much uncomfortable of heights, so he wouldn't get very close to the edge, but I walked right up the the edge and leaned over then sat down and took some selfies.

Under the cliff were some caves, and when the waves came crashing in towards the caves, it caused the water to come shooting up, hence the name, spitting caves.

We hiked back up the little trail with smiles on our faces and a sense of accomplishment at finding the spitting caves.

Next Stop: Polynesian Cultural Center.

We spent the rest of the day at the PCC.  We had a tour guide that took us all round the different Pacific destinations in the park.  We were able to enjoy four of the villages.  Each of the villages had a musical show, a demonstration, and hands on activities.

There were different buildings that we could go in and see. We saw Fiji, Hawaii, some Islands, Tahiti

Tonga and a few more.

We were able to go on canoe ride.  The river went around the villages and under a few bridges.  We had our own Tongan rowing the boat at the back.

After our canoe ride, we enjoyed a buffet dinner and Hawaiian show.  The show had hula dancer, some fire, and singing.  At one point, they asked if anyone was celebrating an anniversary.  To my horror, Kevin raises his hand.  All those celebrating an anniversary were brought on stage and we danced a slow song in front of everyone.  I am a very non-PDA type of person, so to dance in front of a bunch of people, then be kissed after is like a nightmare.  Kevin was just laughing the entire time, seeing me crawl in my own skin.  I'm glad we went up though, it wasn't too awful.  It was nice dancing in Hawaii with Kevin.

We ended the day with the day with the PCC's show: The Breath of Life.  By this point, I am fighting 4 days of jet lag, I just ate a lot of food, and I am tired.  I actually fell asleep during the majority of the show.  It's definitely more of a theatrical performance, then a show.  I was expecting something exciting and entertaining.  Don't get me wrong, it was put together very well, and the actors were good.  It just wasn't what I was expecting.  There was one part in it where there was some fire dancing!  That part was definitely super cool!!

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