Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Hawaii Day 3 (Part 2): Dole Plantation

We made a stop at the Dole Plantation today.  We decided it would be fun to take the Dole Pineapple Express Train around the plantation.  We were really glad the train had a roof because it kept lightly raining on and off.  The train takes you all around the property to see the different plants and fruits that are on the property.

The grounds were very beautiful with peculiar trees and different colored bushes.  There was also a large lake on the property.

Seeing the pineapple plants was especially educational!  I had no idea that pineapples were grown on bushes on the ground.  For some reason, I always thought pineapples were grown on trees.  It was so neat seeing the rows and rows and rows of bushes on the ground with pineapples all over them!

When we got off the train and walked back to the gift shop, we saw a sign that showed the distance to different towns!  We were 4,530 miles from Seoul!!

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