Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Mulhyanggi Arboretum

The kids didn't have school today, so a group of us decided to go to the Arboretum today.  We packed our lunches and headed out to the Arboretum.  It only took about 30 minutes to get there.  There ended up being a huge group that showed up!

The Arboretum was basically a beautiful botanical garden.  I was really hoping that we made it in enough time to see the cherry blossoms that Korea is so famous for, but we were a week too late.  There wasn't a single blossom, but there were some beautiful trails though.

There was also a huge pond there.  The kids loved the pond because there were big koi fish that came right up to the top of the water.  Monster was being a kid and picking up little pebbles and was throwing them in the pond, when a Korean lady came up to us and yelled at us that we had to stop.  I was confused as to what she was talking about, so she picked up a pebble and crossed her hands in front of here like a big X.  From the broken conversation we had, I think she said the pond is being observed by scientists and by throwing rocks in the pond, it ruins their observations.  Try telling that to a 2 year old... Monster ended up screaming and yelling because he couldn't enjoy the plop of a pebble in the pond.  I had to pick him up, kicking and screaming and walk away from the pond.

The Arboretum also had a small river that ran the length of most of the area.  There were many beautiful bridges and crossing paths that the kids enjoyed.

M&M kept seeing spots that she thought was beautiful and would ask me over and over to take a selfie of her.  It made me giggle, and I explained that a selfie would mean she is taking the picture and I was taking a portrait, but she still insisted it was a selfie. So, I took a real selfie with her.

After the pond and river, we came to a few greenhouses.  The kids enjoyed seeing the small fish pond in the greenhouse.  Monster especially loved the pond because the fish we so colorful.  There was a small bridge that the older girls enjoyed walking on that overlooked the small pond.

After the greenhouses, we stopped at some benches and ate lunch.

By this time, I was super tired and Monster was grouchy and tired!  I decided that we had seen enough for one day.  When we got back to the entrance, we saw a map of the property and realized that we didn't even see 1/4 of the Arboretum!  It is a huge place!  I hope that we can go back, especially during  the fall or spring time.

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