Thursday, April 5, 2018

Taiwan Day 4 (Part 3): Elephant Mountain Hike

It's Big Sis again and I am going to tell you all about our Elephant Mountain Hike. When I think of the word "hike", I think of a trail that is in the forest that is super simple. But if you thought of that for this hike, you are definitely wrong. The hike on Elephant Mountain is nothing but stairs to get to the top of the mountain.

When we arrived to the mountain, and I realized what we had to do, I thought that it was going to be impossible. But, I didn't want to spoil all of the fun we had that day, so I swallowed down my fear, and challenged myself to make it all the way to the top without complaining.

Before we started, M&M and I came up with the idea to find out just how many stairs there really were on the mountain. She was going to go by how many times she could go through the ABC's, and I was going to count by numbers. I was the leader of the pack on the stair toward the top of the mountain. I go to a school that has multiple stairs that you need to climb to go to your next class, so I am pretty used to climb stairs. As I climbed towards the top on countless stairs (I was still counting), I realized that I wasn't tired of climbing. I felt pretty relaxed and I was surprised by that because usually I don't like to take stairs.

As we started to get closer to the top, the stairs got more steep and more difficult. Little A was holding on, M&M was fine, Mom seemed to be enjoying the view, and since dad was carrying Monster in the hiking backpack, he seemed to be out of breathe, but okay.

When we got to the top, we where all kind of disappointed because there was nothing at the top except a view of the city.

After realizing how pretty it actually was, I really enjoyed the view because me and M&M totaled up our numbers and here are the results: M&M ended with 886 stairs and I ended with 897 stairs. I think mine was more logical then M&M's results. After a couple minutes of enjoying the view, we made our way back down the 897 stairs.

When we got back down to the bottom of the mountain, we made our way back to the hotel to relax and soak in the amazing adventure that we just had and the biggest accomplishment of stair climbing that everyone had ever done. What an amazing adventure!

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