Friday, April 6, 2018

Taiwan Day 5: Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall, LDS Taipei Taiwan Temple & Modern Toilet Restaurant

Today was our last day in Taiwan, and we needed to be at the airport around 1:00.  We hired our same driver and got up early so we could catch a few more tourist spots!

Our first stop was the Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall.

Words to describe the memorial hall: Beautiful!  Gorgeous! Rich deep colors!  Amazing!  Wow!

Wow!  This place is wow! Its a large courtyard with four buildings on each side.  The two buildings to the side appeared to be the same type of building.

We initial entered the Memorial Hall through this huge gate like entrance. There is a beautiful deep purple which accents the sky!  The gate is so tall and so amazing.

We stood there staring at the gate for so long just soaking it up!

After we passed through the gate, we made our destination the other end of the courtyard where another tall building was.  This building is the actual memorial hall.  It took about a half an hour to get to the other side since we kept stopping and taking pictures and getting distracted by the gardens and the people around us.

When we got to the Memorial Hall, it started to rain. The girls were worried that we would have to walk all the way back in pouring rain, so they started to run back to the car.

We took a few last pictures then continued on to our next destination.

Our next stop was at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Taipei Taiwan Temple!The temple was just down the street.  I was excited to see the Taipei temple.  When we got out of the car, it was lightly sprinkling, so we were able to get a few pictures in front of the temple.

The kids were hungry about this time, so we decided to go to the Modern Toilet restaurant!  I'm going to let Big Sis tell you all about the Modern Toilet...

Big Sis here. I am going to tell you all about our adventure in the Modern Toilet Restaurant. After visiting the LDS temple, it was around lunch time. I really wanted to try it out, and so did monster, Little A, and M&M, so we went. When we got there, I realized why it is called The Modern Toilet Restaurant, it was because it was all toilet related.

We walked in and found a table and took a moment to realize that everything, and when I say everything, I mean everything, was toilet/bathroom related. The seats that the littles sat on where toilets, the menu had at least one connection to the bathroom, and the dishes, along with all the souvenirs, were all bathroom related too.

We orders our lunch and ate. The spaghetti I got was really good. I think M&M enjoyed hers. I also think Little A liked hers too. Monster didn't really eat anything.

Mom and dad really liked their food. After finishing our dinner, the waitress gave us our side dish/dessert, it was chocolate ice cream in the size of ahhh...# two... in a dish the shape of a squaty-potty. It was really funny.

After eating our dessert, we paid and went. I think that by far, that restaurant has been the funniest one I've ever been too. Such a funny adventure.

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