Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Taiwan Day 2 (Part 2): Beitou District Hot Springs & Shilin Night Market

Our next destination for the day was the Beitou District to the Spring City Resort.  Beitou was only 6 metro stations away from Tamsui, so it didn't take any time at all. After we got off the metro, we caught a taxi to the Resort.  We had done our research before coming and found that the Spring City Resort had multiple hot spring pools and 4 of them were family friendly.  It was also important that the hot springs required swim suits!  Many of the hot springs there are nude springs.  That wasn't really something I wanted to introduce my kids to at this time.

We arrived at Spring City Resort and were given a basket with a robe, towel, hair net and flip flops.  I took the girls to the Women locker room and Kevin took Monster with him to the Men's locker room.  We got changed into our swim suits and went down to the pools.

The hot springs were super cool and very kid friendly!!  Right when you walk in, to the right is a circle pool with a large mushroom type water fountain.  This pool was perfect temperature, super shallow and where we spent the majority of our time, since Monster wouldn't go anywhere else.

Behind the mushroom pool was an L shaped pool that was about the temperature of a normal pool.  This one had four spouts that poured into the pool.  The older kids spent the majority of their time in the pool.

There were probably about 8 pools in the pool area.  There were about 4 small circular hot tubs with a variety of jets.  Each pool had a specific purpose.  One had jets that you sat on.  On had jets that shot on your back.  On had a water fall that fell on your head.  There was another that had full body jets.

The adults all took turns trying out the different hot spring pools.  I really enjoyed the neck and back jetted pool.  It was great to lean back and get a water massage on my neck!  Holly watched Zac and Kevin joined me for a neck massage.

The older kids explored the other hot spring pools also.  Tyler played a joke on them and told them to go the the circle pool next to the mushroom pool.  He told them it was super warm and the most comfortable pool.  The kids ran to the pool and jumped in and each of them screamed.  Tyler was laughing!  We found out that pool was the coldest pool in the resort.  The kids laughed after they got over the initial shock and stayed and played in the water.

After all the kids had prunes for toes and fingers, we got out and showered and dressed.  We wanted to see the Shilin night market.  The Taipei night markets are something that everyone talks about.  We decided to go to the Shilin market for dinner.  Supposedly food is cheap and aplenty.

The market was as bright as day and went on forever.  There was booths as far as the eye could see.  At first, all we saw were clothing and stuff.  There wasn't anything like souvenirs.  The girls were very disappointed.  All they wanted to find was some small trinket or doo-dad that they could buy.

After walking through a few rows, we finally found the food.  Most of the vendors had lines that were so very ridiculously long.  Since we had hungry kids, we ended up getting shaved ice and a waffle creme filled desert.  It was really delicious!  I got Oreos in mine, Big Sis and M&M got strawberries and Little A got marshmallows.  Dinner of champions.  We didn't stay very long.  It was so crowded and the kids were tired.  In the end, we weren't impressed with the night market and would have done just fine not going.

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