Friday, May 25, 2018

Woraksan Nation Park (월악산국립공원): Camping & Hiking

We brought all our camping gear with us to Korea in hopes of camping. Our hopes came true this weekend as we were joined by the Rusts, Mayos, Filmores, and some of the boy scouts and leaders for a Boy Scout family campout.  We and the Rusts left early in the day to get to the campsite early.  We made our reservations at the Daddonjae Auto Campsite.  We set up and started exploring!

The Mayos had already camped at this site and knew the perfect spots to camp, and they sure did!!  We were in an area with trees and shrubbery and it felt like real camping.  The other camping spots were a ton of flat dirt sections right next to one another with no trees, grass or greenery.  The best thing about Korean camping, is the bathrooms and kitchen areas!  There was a bathroom about 100 feet from our campsite.  This isn't a typical forest bathroom, it was a fully heated/ cooled, running water, music playing, super clean bathroom.  There was also designated kitchen areas, were you clean your dishes.  These areas had electricity with lights, sinks, trash cans, and running water.

Our campsite had a river that was super close.  The kids loved exploring the river!  There were small tadpoles and lots of rocks to throw.

After the other families and scouts got to the camp site, we all got in our cars and drove to a hiking trail.  We then took the next 2 hours to take a super beautiful hike through a gorgeous forest.

During the hike, we crossed the river over boulders.

We crossed bridges.

We saw small waterfalls, and cascading waterfalls.

We walked through flat paths, and

rocky paths.

At the end of our hike, we were rewarded with a waterfall about 15 feet high.  The waterfall had huge rocks that we were able to walk over to get right next to the waterfall.

We ate a little snack at the waterfall, then made our descent back down.  It was so beautiful and peaceful!

When we got back we started on dinner.  I brought a few dutch ovens and camping pans and with the Rusts, we were able to make chicken fajitas with beans and rice!  The meal was absolutely delicious! We used our briquettes and the dutch oven to make peach cobbler.

After dinner was all cleaned up, be made s'mores!  You can't go camping without roasting marshmallows and making s'mores!  We ate until we were all stuffed!  It was way past Monster's bedtime, so we got him and Little A in bed.  Since the fire was right outside our tent, Monster stayed up yelling and talking until Kevin went in and laid in the bed until he fell asleep.

The older kids played games in the forest for a while, Kevin to to bed, and I stayed up chatting with all the adults.  M&M went to bed and so did Big Sis.  I was getting tired, so I went into the tent to get ready for bed.  As I walk in M&M starts to cough, then leans over her bed and starts throwing up.  I was in shock and didn't know what to do.  What makes this worse, is that our girls camping cots are bunk bed cots.  We bunk the cots 3 high, and M&M was on the top bunk, so her barf comes cascading down and splats and splatters all over the floor.  So you hear her barfing, about 2 seconds, then a loud splat.  I was holloring for Kevin to come help, and he was sleeping so peaceful; he had earplugs in!  He missed the entire thing!  So I start frantically jabbing at him, he jerks awake to the sound of another barf....wait wait wait... splat!  Holly and Tyler run to our rescue and bring us disinfectant wipes, trash bags, and paper towels.

So M&M is our child that will eat herself sick. If she eats too much processed sugars and foods, she will get sick and throw it all up.  She had so many s'mores and so much cobbler that it didn't stay in her too long and it ended up all over the tent floor, the side of her sister's sleeping bags and the clothes and shoes that were on the floor.  The tent stunk so bad, that we had to keep all the windows open all night just to breath.

I couldn't help but laugh!  Our tiny family in a small tent, with all three girls bunked on one side, and of course, the child to barf is on the top bunk!  Luckily, Monster's portable crib was on the other side of the tent, so he slept soundly through the entire ordeal.  Little A was on the middle bunk and God must have been looking out for her, because she was tucked away from the hazardous area facing the opposite direction.  Little A also slept trough the while thing.

Poor Big Sis was awoken by the splats and barfing sound.  She was not so lucky and was facing outward with her pillow in the line of fire.  She quickly scooted to the other side of the bed and wrapped a blanket around her face.  She couldn't escape because the bed was tucked all the way on the side of the tent.  The bunk cots fit perfectly in one corner of the tent, with three sides of the cot tucked right to the walls of the tent.  Big Sis's only escape was currently covered in an inch of barf.  I was laughing so hard by this point.  Kevin was not so happy and was looking at me like I was crazy.

We bagged all the hazardous material in a trash bag, wiped up the floor as best we could, and had M&M go wash off in the blessed Korean camping bathrooms.  Big Sis moved her head to the other side of the sleeping bag in an attempt to escape the smell.  If only we all could have been like Little A and slept through everything without a problem.  I didn't sleep so great that night.

We got up early the next morning and made another amazing breakfast of pancakes, sausage and eggs!  We were all stuffed!  We cleaned up the campground then headed back home.

When we got home, we set up the tent in our house, swept it out, and mopped it 3 times! After it dried, we sprinkled baking soda all over before we wrapped it back up.  Here's hoping that got the smell out!  We will find out the nest time we go camping. Only time will tell.

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