Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Okinawa: Okuma Beach Days

Hi there, big sis here again, this time I am going to tell you all about the beach that was in our hotel backyard.

While in Okinawa, we stayed in The Turtle Nest which is in Okuma Beach.

Me, M&M and Little A would go down to the beach as much as possible. The reason was because it was a really nice beach, and we have never been to a really good beach before in our lives. The first time we went to Okuma beach was the first day we got to Okuma. The first thing I went to was the water.

But, before we went, mom told us to never pick up any shells in the shape of a triangle in the water. They were dangerous, and so we stayed on the sand. There where so many and all sorts of shells. I really wanted to go in the water, but I didn't want to get hurt by the triangle shells, so I just walked on the water shore line. I felt amazing to finally feel the water meet the sand for the first time in 7 years. I loved it. After a few second of standing on the sand, I heard shrieks that came from M&M. I ran to see what she was holding, and it was a hermit crab the size of my thumb-nail that was inside a sea shell. It was so tiny. Right after finding it we started to find more and more and more hermit crabs that we had never noticed til now. It was very funny to see all the little hermit crabs crawling around in the sand. The tiniest one we found was the size of my pinky-nail, and the biggest one we found was at least 2 inches wide. It was huge! We all made a big hermit crab playground in the sand. Monster help as well. Each time we found a crab, we would put it in the playground. Monster started to love watching all the little hermit crabs crawl around in the sand rings we built for them.

Me and Little A had to keep making more and more rings to keep the hermit crabs from crawling out of the playground. M&M was an expert at finding the hermit crabs. After getting tired of watching the hermit crabs, I went on a shell scavenger hunt. I scanned the sand for any really cool shells. It wasn't that hard to find that many really cool shells. The only really annoying thing was that the hermit crabs always claimed the triangle shells. Triangle shells are really pretty and very designed shells, and the crabs always claimed them before we could. M&M was really, Really,  REALLY lucky to find one that wasn't claimed.

 Monster hated the water, but hated to stand on the sand, so he just sat cried for mom to hold him.

The beach also had a section that we could snorkel in. Good thing we brought our snorkel stuff because that was exactly what we did!

Me, M&M, and dad all went for a little snorkel time. I was very scared that there where sharks in the water so I stayed as close to dad as possible without annoying him.

The snorkel area was only over a section of shells and dead coral so there wasn't that many cool things to see, but it was still pretty cool to see the bottom of the ocean. Me and M&M went snorkeling by ourselves once with Brother Schwartz and we went all the way to the balls that marked the end of the snorkeling area it was so cool. It was really nice to be on, in and be a part of a beach for the first time in 7 years.

While we went snorkeling, Little A and Monster played with Daphne and Rhett.  The girls loved playing in the sand!  Monster still hated the sand, so he cried when mom tried to get him to play in the sand with Rhett.

Mom also loved having Corianne with her!  We are so glad we had friends with us in Okinawa!

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