Thursday, May 31, 2018

Okinawa: Glass Bottom Boat

Hello. Big Sis here. I have a question for you, have you ever been in a glass bottom boat? I haven't, until now. I had the chance to be in my very first glass bottom boat ride in Okinawa. It was amazing and I am going to tell you why it was so amazing. We had the chance of going with the Schwartz, which made the experience even more amazing.

When I think of a glass boat boat, I think of a boat that has a bottom that is completely made out of glass. If you thought that for this ride, you are most definitely wrong. This boat only had about a 1' x 8' long piece of glass that you could see down on.

That doesn't seem like much, right? But I didn't care at the time because I was more amazed that I was going on my very first boat ride that you could see the bottom of the ocean. After getting on board and sitting down, we set off to the really deep part of the ocean.

The more farther we got from the shore, the most coral, fish, and sea animals we saw. It stayed at about 7 feet deep for a while, but then it went to 12 feet deep where the coral reef started. The coral reef was so beautiful.

There where so many different kinds and thousands of different fish species that we saw. It was so beautiful seeing a real live coral reef for myself. The boat driver stopped the boat over a really cool part of the coral reef and let everyone have a really good look at the bottom of the ocean.

I loved it so much much. After about 20 minutes of looking at the coral reef, we started to head back to the shore. After getting back, we played on the beach. It was an amazing adventure and one that I will never forget.

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