Friday, July 27, 2018

Kids Cafe: Bang Bang Town

Most of this summer has been filled with summer camps and swim lessons, so I promised the kids we would do something fun today and try out a new kids cafe!  We planned a play date at the cafe with our friends, the Campbells!  We met up at Bang Bang Town ready for an hour of extreme fun!

We chose a bad day to come to Bang Bang Town, because the Korean kids are out of school right now (which we didn't know), so there were a lot more kids then we were expecting.  The Cafe is also extremely small and there's not a lot for kids to do and keep them entertained.

I was worried that Big Sis wouldn't be allowed to play due to her age and being too old, so I had her bring some card games, just in case.  This ended up being a very good thing, because the four older girls spent about half the time playing card games together.  They all complained that there were too many kids and it was over crowded.

Monster and the Campbell's two youngest kids loved Bang Bang Town!  There was a designated trampoline and slide area just for little kids!  Monster loved going up the rainbow stairs!

He also loved all the balls that were in the kid trampoline area!  He would pick them up and chuck them at my head and then laugh!  He would then throw them at all the Campbells and then all the Koreans within throwing distance. He also loved the little slide!  He would go up and slide down and then take a ball up and try to throw it while sliding down.

Monster also got the hang of jumping.  He hasn't ever jumped on a trampoline with two feet and made air until today!  He was doing a marvelous job jumping and he was loving every second of it!

Little A did not enjoy the kids cafe for the first half hour.  She saw how much fun Monster and the little Campbells were having, so she wanted to join in the fun.  She came into the little kids trampoline area and was immediately told that she was too big and was given the two handed Korean X, and gestured to get out.  She sulked the rest of the time, and was sad she didn't have anyone to play with.  I sat and played with her for a while and she ended up enjoying her time with magnets.

Another item in the cafe that caught all the kids' attention was the candy machine!  For 500 won you can get a small mentos candies.  I had some spare 500 won coins in my wallet, so I let each of the kids play the game for the candy.

When we had about ten minutes left, a lot of the Korean kids left, so the kids went into the big kid trampoline area.  The had a blast jumping, racing, and sliding down the trampoline slides.  They were sad when our names were called and we had to leave.

I'm not sure if I would return to Bang Bang Town.  It was super small and didn't provide any variety for my older kids.  I would come with just the littles, but Little A would defiantly need a friend to come along.  In the end, all the kids had a good time!  I am super glad we brought games, and even more glad that I had a ton of 500 won coins, because the candy machine was a big hit with all the kids.

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