Monday, July 23, 2018

Summer Break in Korea: Osan AB Youth Summer Camps

M&M Sewing Camp: 
Hi! This is M&M and I will be telling you all about the time I had at the sewing camp in the Osan youth center. The project that the sewing camp was going to do was to make a lap quilt. A lap quilt is not like a normal quilt. It is a quilt that only fits on your lap. Not like one that you sleep under. After everyone got there we noticed that the teachers had cut and set out the squares that we were going to use to make our quilt. I was the only person that didn't use the pattern that they had. While my grandma was visiting she made me a pillow case and I wanted a quilt to match. So after the first day I stayed late and cut my pattern out for my personalized quilt.

Everyone was ahead of me but I concentrated on my quilt and was able to finish it in the end of the sewing camp. What everyone started with was to learn how to use a sewing machine. After everyone had mastered that part, We started to sew our quilt rows together. We had to sew each square to each other into 9 rows of 9.

Everyone worked hard, we were able to sew all our rows together. I had to finish the front, cut the back, pin the inside-front-and back together, sew them together and to tie them. I worked hard along with everyone else in the camp and I was able to finish my lovely quilt in the time line I had in my sewing camp.

M&M Art Camp: 
Another camp that I was able to participate in was the Arts and Crafts camp. The first craft the we were going to make was Galaxy Jars. How you make galaxy jars was that you have a
mason jar and you put a layer of cotton balls on the bottom of the jar and you pour paint onto the cotton balls.

The paint seeps through them and colors them. you keep going with that process with the cotton balls and paint and you stop when you get to the top and you have your galaxy. My Galaxy Jar was a fading of light blue into dark blue into purple. I loved mine after the first day. I had new crafts every day from Galaxy jars to tie die shirts to sand art. I had the best time ever at the art camp and couldn't wait for the next camp.

M&M Archery Camp: 
Big Sis and I were able to narrowly get into Archery camp, Because we were on the waiting list, and had the best experience with Archery there. We all learned how to
hold, shoot, and carry the bow.

On the first day we all were ready to chose our bows and to learn how to shoot. Big Sis got a numberless bow and I got number 23 bow. Everyone got their own bow and we learned all the forms, whistle calls, and how to aim.

We did drills every day to practice form and whistle calls.  We did shooting practice every day after the drills. I was able to get more experience with a bow and arrows than I every had in my life. It was so fun to learn about aiming and shooting.
Big sis and I had the best time ever at the Archery camp that week and were so happy that we were even able to go.

Big Sis Archery Camp:
Hello, it my turn tell you guys all about my experience at archery camp. The weird part about this camp was that the bows that we had to use were huge. In the picture below, you can see that my bow was about 3 inches taller that me. Another thing that was strange at this camp was that you are supposed to hold the bow with your dominate hand. For me however, I am right side dominate, but I shot with my left. I was the odd on out because I was 1 out of 2 people that had a left bow, but that also meant that it was a lot easier to find my bow!

During the first day, we where split into groups. M&M was in group A, and I was in group B. Each group had a turn to shot 3 arrows, got retrieve them, and then the other groups went. I was surprisingly good at my aim, and got a couple bulls-eyes! I was 2nd place in the little shooting tournament we had on the last day. James Betts got 1st, but I am okay with that. It was so much fun to go to archery camp and learn some more about archery. I hope that I can do it again next year.

M&M Volleyball Camp: 
Big sis and I had volleyball camp as well in the summertime. I had the best time learning a lot about volleyball. The teachers helped me perfect a lot on my hits and form. The teachers were amazing and I had the most awesome time. I learned how to do high passes, low passes, tossing, and the basic one, hits. I spent every day for a week learning all about volleyball and now I'm a very good volleyball player.

Big Sis Volleyball Camp:
Volleyball camp was a great chance for me to make friends and make my wrist really hurt. Four years ago I broke my wrist, and after that happened I got my cast off, but ever since that happened, every time I hit or bumped the ball, it set a pinging pain up my arm. Volleyball camp luckily fixed that. Everyday, we would practice a new technique that was required for volleyball, hitting, serving, saving, and passing. I had a lot of my 7th grade friends there too. I had so much fun the last day most of all because we played a lot of mini games of volleyball that were super fun. If volleyball camp is an option next year, I will definitely go if I can.

M&M Sideline Sports: Handball, Fencing, Waterpolo, and Badminton
I had the privilege to participate in the Sideline sports camp at the youth center where I learn the not-so popular sports. Like Handball, Fencing, Waterpolo, and Badminton. I loved learning how to do all the unusual sports that the camp was doing.

I especially loved learning Waterpolo because that was my mom's sport and I loved all the other sports because I turned out to be really good at most of them.

I had a very good time at the sideline sports camp and I couldn't wait for the next camp.

Big Sis Sideline Sports: Handball, Fencing, Waterpolo & Badminton:
Handball is just like baseball and soccer, but slightly combined and different. The goal of the game was to make as many home runs as you could without the ball being throw and tagging you out. we spent the first day learning that game. The second day was the day the we learned how to do fencing.

Fencing is basically sword fighting, but 100% more safer. There was no killing, no blood, and zero pain. It was also really hot in the uniform because we had to wear 3 different layers.

We learned defenses, attacks, and the fighting part. It was super fun to do this because there was a part of the day where we got to play "Queens and Knights"! The goal of the game was to kill/ unarm the queen and all the knights to win. My team won the first round, but lost the second round. It was so much fun learning how to fence.

The next day was water polo. It was a super easy sport to learn, but the one really down she of
that day was that it was 100 degrees F, and it was a clear sky. We didn't bring sunscreen, ad after being in the sun for 3 hours definitely resulted to a very sunburnt body. But other than that, it was a super fun day indeed.

The next day was badminton. In 6th grade, my gym class spent about a month learning how to play, and I was really good at playing badminton! I had such a fun time playing a sport that I really loved for the whole day. I really enjoyed playing and learning so many games for a week. I thank my mom, so much for letting me do this camp.

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