Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Summer Break in Korea: Humphrey's Hurricane Swim Team

Big Sis Humphrey's Swim Team:
Being on the Humphrey's swim team was very enjoyable thing to do over the summer. I had an amazing coach that helped me improve so much on my swimming while I was on this swim team. I was able to learn how to do the proper way of free style, the correct pattern for breaststroke, the quick way for backstroke, and the pain and difficulty of butterfly. 

Every Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday was swim practice. The very big down side of the pool being an indoor pool was that it was always super duper cold. While me and M&M where doing practice, Little A and Monster played in the free section of the pool. Little A loved swimming during swim practice!  She made a friend and they would dive for toys, play mermaid barbies and just swim around.

Swim practice was always nonstop and very hard, but over time, it wasn't that hard to do. One of my favorite things to do were the contests to see who could hold their streamline the longest. I usually was second, which was always fine with me. The second thing that I loved to do the most was the diving. We also learned how do a diving start. I always loved to do my dives because it was always so much fun to do. 

The biggest mistake that I made was to do a 200 meter individual medley on our last swim meet. It was the hardest thing that I have ever done, and my time was 4 minutes and 17 seconds, and I got 3rd place. The swim meets were all so long, hot, and very tiring. Our fist swim meet was against the Daegu Dolphins. We were the Humphrey's Hurricanes! It was outside and was a very long day. I think I personally did a very good job on my first swim meet. The second swim meet was at Humphrey's and was inside which was much better than outside. I also think that I did a very good job and I want to do swimming again. I am so happy that I was able to make so many new friends through my time in the Humphrey's Hurricanes swim team.

M&M Humphrey's Swim Team:
During the summer, Big sis and I were able to participate in the Humphrey's swim team. We had 
practice every  Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. The practices were very challenging and hard every week but got easer the longer we were there. While Big Sis and I were doing practice there was a little section at the other side of the pool for the little kids. That is were Little A and Monster were swimming. Monster always tried to follow Little A and her friends with his floaty.

Big Sis and I had 2 Meets with  the Daegu Dolphins. We did lots of strokes and races at the meets. At our last meet, I made the mistake on doing a 100 IM race. An IM is when you do Backstroke, Butterfly, Breaststroke, and Freestyle. But I was able to beat my opponent in my heat.

The first meet was at Daegu and Big Sis, Mom, and I had to take a very long bus ride to get there. Big Sis and I were able to perfect our dives and strokes every practice before the meets.

One of my favorite things to do is the relay races were you do 25 of the 100 with 3 other partners. My relay partners were fast and were we were able to beat the other team. I had such a fun
time at the swim team and can't wait to start swimming again.

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